<p>Hey, I hope to work in Finance after getting my undergrad business degree.</p>
<p>The obvious choice seems to be UCLA Business Econ because it is nice and affordable for in state. Prestige seems decent, and although it's not a "target school" for most IBs, it seems like I would be able to land a job on the west coast somewhere (VC?) I love the school.</p>
<p>Vandy seems more prestigious (higher ranked, harder admissions), I'm sure the recruiting is decent, but where do you go after Vandy? Also, it is $30,000 more than UCLA (not getting any aid) and I would come out about $40,000 in debt vs. $0 in debt from UCLA. I have not been to visit yet, and I am a bit afraid of the south (I'm a liberal from San Francisco).</p>
<p>I got into Mich OOS, which means paying $45,000 a year. This would not be bad, but I'm not sure I would be able to get into Ross, which would really suck. Ann Arbor seems pretty sick, but really cold.</p>
<p>So I am obviously leaning towards UCLA Biz econ, and I guess my main question is whether or not I would be at a disadvantage in 5 years when I am looking for a finance job when compared to the other schools I am looking at.</p>
<p>Thanks, any input would be great.</p>