Vandy ED2 for class of 2027

Did anyone else ED2? If so what major and what region?
I want to major in Econ + from the NE

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i did! econ and from canada

I did too! Econ from India

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Anyone here get an interview?


did you ed2?


Hi ED 2 candidates… Last year decisions for ED 2 came out Feb 11, 2022 (I believe). Does anyone know when decisions are coming this year? Is there a university web site I can go to where I can monitor ? Thanks and good luck to all.

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Am I at a disadvantage since I haven’t had an interview?

they will usually email 24 hrs before. so far, no email yet, so probably the 14th or the 15th

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Phew I had no idea you could opt in for an interview

Anyone in ED 2 get their 24 hours notice email?

Apparently decisions are out

S.florida. you rec’d your decision?

is ed2 out?

I think the students that applied RD and were accepted into the MOSAIC program (you don’t apply for it), were notified today. MOSAIC is a multicultural program. I am not sure ED2 students heard today.


I haven’t heard anything for ED2 x

Did an email go out yesterday saying that ED2 is out today? Or is it all speculation?

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yes, out today @ 5 pm CST