Vassar College Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

Sorry to hear about the result, your daughter sounds amazing and undoubtedly would have contributed to the VC community.

Having interviewed candidates for over a decade, I would highlight that the size and talent of the female applicant pool juxtaposed against Vassar’s undisclosed institutional desire not to have the M/F ratio dip below 40/60 makes acceptances for female applicants much more challenging than even the raw data suggests. Your daughter appears to have been more than qualified and will I am confident gain some great acceptances but regrettably she was applying against the largest and most qualified applicant sub group that VC attracts.

Please note, I am not diminished in any way the accomplishments or qualifications of male Brewers. For context, I am a male and attended Vassar way back when the school desperately tried to attract those of us that could kick a ball and understood the offsides rule. It is a tough acceptance for any and all these days but particularly tough for those with a profile such as you describe for your daughter.

Good luck and please report back so us Vassar faithful can regret the one that got away.


I’d think your daughter’s list has been mostly established. Nonetheless, based on the aspects you mentioned, she seems like a good fit for schools such as Skidmore, Sarah Lawrence, Wesleyan, Connecticut College and Kenyon. Bard, too, might be worth a look.


I actually think, for the same reason outlined by @Catcherinthetoast, that Hamilton would be a better admission bet than Wesleyan. People may get its town mixed up with Colgate’s, but it seldom gets confused with a women’s college!


The challenge with Hamilton might be that, while it is egalitarian in admissions across genders, it still accepts a lower percentage of female applicants than both Vassar and Wesleyan.

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That very well could be as Hamilton was probably one of the very few colleges in the country where it was possible to spend the last two years and have no idea a pandemic was going on.

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For any and all ED2 applicants I wanted to come on here and wish you luck!!! My son is having a great time in the Vassar discord hanging out with his future classmates and they can’t wait to welcome you :wink:


does anyone know when ED2 will release?

I’ve been asking my son to join the Vassar Class of 2027 Discord but he hasn’t done it yet. What are the kids saying about it? I think he will join soon as it seems like a great way to connect and possibly even find a roommate.

My kid joined it last year (she’s a freshman) and I think enjoyed it but she made her friends in person when she arrived at school in august, not on the discord. Also, Vassar does all the initial roommate selections - as far as I know you can’t choose your own roommate as a freshman. Although she says it doesn’t work that well for everyone they did an awesome job matching my daughter to her roommate. I don’t think your son is necessarily losing out on anything big if he chooses not to join the discord now.

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My son has been enjoying it, however, he said it has died down some in the past week or two as they wait on the next crop of admitted. The moderators have been great posing questions for the students to answer that help reveal themselves and find commonalities among the class. That sparks some additional side conversations. I don’t know specifics but he says it has been super positive and supportive. My guess is that it will explode with activity once the ED2 kids join.

From what my my son has said I would recommend, although currently it is a little more quiet.

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Looking forward to meeting some of you on accepted students day. Planning on going to the April 21 and making a weekend of it by catching some broadway shows.

By the way, when we did our visit there we dined at Shadows on the Hudson. Restaurant was great but we had a life changing experience in ordering the dessert. My son ordered some ice cream and it was a transcendent experience for all 3 of us. I believe it was called “Jane’s Ice Cream”. OH MY GOD! If you have the chance to eat that brand of ice cream you will not regret it. For those that have already had it you know. Being from Atlanta we are unfortunately unable to access it but you better believe we will be visiting Poughkeepsie often…for our son of course :wink:

Is April 21 the only Accepted Students day scheduled?

Anyone know when ED2 is being released? Guessing tomorrow (1/27) at 4pm but wondering if anyone knows for sure.

i called admissions office two days ago and they told me they didn’t know the date yet. in the past few years it has been 1/28 but this year is a saturday so hopefully it’ll be tomorrow

Nope, there are 2. April 16th and 21st.


…and I actually think there are more throughout April. Those are just the 2 big “Venture to Vassar” events.


ED II is out. My son just heard. :+1:


Congrats CaliMom59 and any other ED2’s that join the thread this weekend! Very exciting! I would encourage any accepted students to join the new student discord. My son has enjoyed getting to know the new class there. Go Brewers!!!


Congrats to everyone! My D is a (very happy) freshman; don’t know much since she just started in august but feel free to PM me with any questions.

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My son is in an online group of seniors applying for various colleges, but hasn’t seemed to have found a group for admitted Vassar students for Class of 2027. Where can he go to connect with the new Vassar admits? Thanks. (FYI, he was admitted ED1.)

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