Vassar Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Vassar College offers Early Decision but does not offer Early Action for freshman admissions.

The Early Decision (ED) deadline for Fall 2022 admission is November 15.

All ED1 applications should receive an admissions decision by December 15. Last year, Vassar admitted 310 of the 767 applicants who applied early decision. The acceptance rate was 40.42%.

For more information visit the Vassar College page on College Confidential.

See updates and discuss results with other Vassar applicants.

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Hi everyone!
I’m an international ED applicant at Vassar College. Do you guys have any idea when they will be releasing the decisions of ED?

The website says by 12/15.

Last year I believe it was 12/8 and 12/7 the year before that. We’re hoping it will be early next week but we’ll see. Good luck to you!

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ED Applicant here. The portal was closed on 11/30 and it said “At this late stage in the application process, this online application checklist is closed. You will receive an email wiz details on checking ur decision closer to the notif date.” Haven’t heard from the scl, but i think we are very close.


Yes, definitely 12/8 last year. Getting close now—good luck to all!

Thanks, everyone!
Let’s hope for the best. Do you guys think an international student has a shot at Vassar if he/she is working with some Prof. from Vassar and got the recommendation from that Prof?

not sure bout 'this. guess vassar values fitness the most but research wiz vassar professors may also help.

Ohh, that’s awesome!
The decision is approachin’ near. Best Wshes!

Anyone aware of the results date as of now? The admissions office told me awhile back that they give 2-3 days notice before the results come out.

they have not released that information yet. I guess we keep on waiting haha

so nervewracking…! i really hope it comes out in the next day or two

Oh! So they send an email and say the results will be available on Date/Time? I assumed they just sent an email when the results were ready. The wait is killing me!

hey guys, if you sign into the application management website Application Management and click the ‘start new application’ button, how will it appear? mine shows error and this looks weirdo

Hey, does anyone have any updates about when they’re releasing the ED decisions?

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I’ve been wondering that too- no clue, but I guess it must be before the 15th because that’s the deadline for them to release them I think? We should be getting an email within the next 4 days because they send the emails out 48 hours before releasing decisions from what I’ve heard.

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Well, the dates passed when they announced the last two years (7th and 8th I think) so wonder if it’s just going to be the 15th? Nervous.

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On another thread someone made the point that the past two years’ dates were both in the second week of December. So perhaps it will be this upcoming Tuesday or Wednesday?

So ready to know!

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That was unclear . . . oops. The Tuesday and Wednesday (or maybe it was Monday/Tuesday) in the past two years fell in the second week of December, whereas this year the first week of December started on a Wednesday. So if they are following any kind of timeline the first half of the second week of December, that’s not until next week.

But who knows? Only Vassar. :joy:

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