VCU 2024

Congrats! From what it sounds like, merit could be a long a wait as April 2020.

My daughter applied to the graphic design program just before the November 15th cut-off date. When she called, they told her that she was in the queue to be reviewed. Do they review in batches? It seems like they released a lot of acceptances around November. Any idea when the next batch is likely to come out?

Applied end of September and still waiting.

My son applied end of October. Got an email Friday Jan 10 notifying him of an update to his application status. He got in! Planning to double major in Cinema and History.

So weird about the delay in merit $. Last year my dd’s merit award was in a separate letter but mailed the same day as her acceptance letter (Provost Scholarship). Was hoping for the same for my younger dd whose grades are a smidge higher with same ACT score.

My daughter applied early November and we’re still waiting. I called yesterday and was told that the only thing they can say is that a decision will be made before April 1st, but that since my daughter applied in early November that she would probably hear something way before then. Ugggh!

My son submitted all his materials to VCU arts, graphic design major, on November 13. Received notification email regarding updated status on portal (acceptance) on Dec 18. Received snail mail less than a week later. No word on merit. He emailed to ask if merit would have come with the acceptance and they replied that merit would be sent out as they are reviewed and should be given out by end of February. So, we are waiting. We are OOS, so the merit would help a lot. SAT= 1330 Weighted GPA = 3.5, but I think portfolio counts more for VCUarts. They were one of the few schools that were still critiquing him at National Portfolio Day, while other schools said he was good to go (or accepted the portfolio on the spot), so he was worried the portfolio wasn’t good enough but thrilled about the acceptance, especially because he really liked the school when we visited this summer.

DS applied Oct 31. Notified In December accepted into engineering compu sci. Should hear from honor college Feb 1 3.8gpa 4.0 scale, 1420 sat. Want to see merit scholarship. Applied GMU early but honors college regular. Accepted into program but waitlisted honors. Filled it 100% from early action. No merit from GMU

Thanks everyone and congrats to all that were accepted. @Graphitemovermom, I think our teens applied at the same time for the same major so my daughter should have received a response by now if the admissions committee was convinced one way or another. I guess it’s good that they are waiting to see other applicants if they were hesitant to accept her right away. Her digital portfolio is strong but her drawing skills are still developing, although they were very complimentary on her work at NPD and encouraged her to apply.

Wow! Congratulations. If schlorship was merit, can you let us know GPA /SAT? Thanks! We are still waiting for son’s.

$146,000 – full-ride for 4 years? Thanks for clarifying. My elder dd was offered tuition and fees merit for all four years, but we’ve heard nothing about my younger dd who has slightly better stats.
Can you share GPA/SAT of child who received merit? We are waiting for our son’s offer and hoping for some merit too. He’s been accepted just waiting on honors notification. Thanks!

My kid applied for Cinema on November 15. Got a very big envelope by snail mail today with a letter saying she’s in and the VCU Arts magazine. No email so far. Nothing in the letter about aid. We’re in state. Thanks to others for their updates.

Has anyone received their acceptance via snail mail recently? I applied October 30, and received a decision on December 12 by email. I haven’t received the physical mail yet

On your portal page at the bottom, there should be a link to an acceptance letter in pdf format. It’s my understanding that we will hear about merit before April 1 and then after that time we will receive a snail mail package describing what is being offered. VCU is a green school - less paper.

April 1st, argh. That’s a long wait ahead of us.

My cinema kid got a snail mail admission last week, but no email, and her applicant portal still shows that she’s an applicant with no link to admission info. Obviously different parts of the university are handling these details differently.

DS finally heard and was accepted to School of Engineering. Now it’s decision time. ??

@bjbaker did he receive merit and financial aid info? My son was accepted dec and still don’t know what he’s getting

@2019boston we are also waiting on aid info. Have heard it will be March or even later…

C has been working so hard to the point looks like a zombie :neutral:

STAT: ACT 36 ; SATII Math2 800 and Bio 800; All in one seating. GPA 3.97UW. Did not take SAT. Handful of AP 4s and 5s; Full IB Diploma candidates; Good, long committed, and meaningful ECs; Honor Society president; Concert Master of School orchestra; bunch of musical State level Awards. Essay was good but not good good.
If we get to decide again, we would not send C to an IB HS. Other seniors are enjoying the 2nd semester of the final year, the IB kids are still working their butts off to complete all the requirements to obtain the diploma by Summer. :frowning:
VCU is close to us and we are grateful for the merit offer.