VCU 2024

The scholarship application appears to be working now.

My son just received his acceptance to VCUARTS via snail mail.

Congrats! Yay! Which major within VCUarts is your son planning to pursue?

Honors college acceptance arrived via snail mail today. Applied January 31st.
So glad she’ll have a chance to apply for scholarships!

Photography/ Film after Art Foundation.

That’s great! My son is going to be a Cinema major!

Good news: My daughter received a packet in the mail today from VCU!

Bad news: It didn’t mention anything about scholarship money.

She already knew about being accepted to VCU from an electronic notification on December 19, so it was a bit of a let-down.

Same here. Received second acceptance letter today in snail mail and an additional “you’ve probably already heard about your acceptance but here’s what great about our school” letter in the same package along with brochure about how to apply for aid, but no information on scholarship. Already received acceptance via snail mail and email back in December. Don’t know why the redundancy.

Dear VCU,
We know you’re a great school, you don’t need to convince us.

You do need to give us merit aid to be able to afford to attend, so we’d appreciate if you’d hurry up with that decision.
Increasingly Impatient Prospective Student and Family

So…I dug through today’s mail and in addition to the anonymous brochure there was indeed a letter with merit aid!

@threegirlpileup was it a separate letter in a different envelope or included with the brochure?

@threegirlpileup how much was it if you don’t mind? Hoping for one today!

Can you let us know more details. Was it in the big envelope? Notice on your portal page? Tks

My daughter is still waiting to hear whether she’s been accepted :cold_sweat: Currently, her portal just shows check marks next to the required documents. It doesn’t give the status of her application. Is that what it should look like until a decision has been made?

It was a separate letter, regular business size envelope. I don’t think she got any kind of email notification.

Dean’s Scholarship ($8K/year) plus another $8K/year (described as a grant maybe?), I’m assuming to offset OOS cost.

Dance major, ACT 32, 3.96/4.38, OOS

Good luck, everyone! For us this $$ is the difference between VCU being a viable option and not. Hope y’all get good news, too.

It seems like OOS folks hear about scholarships first. Someone earlier in the thread from OOS mentioned her son had received a nice scholarship. I guess they give those out earlier than in state? Regardless … congrats!

So, here’s a question: My wife is getting rather impatient with this process. My daughter’s one and only choice is VCU for nursing. She’s been accepted to the school and offered a spot in the Honors College. We have not heard anything about any merit scholarships, although we did get the generic acceptance packet in the mail yesterday. I’m inclined to wait until mid-March before my daughter formally accepts to the school. I figure there’s no rush because she can’t apply for housing until early April anyhow. My wife, meanwhile, says she should do it now, because they may send more information to us afterward, and she thinks any merit scholarships will come regardless of whether she accepts now or in three weeks.


We are in a similar situation but my D has two scholarships elsewhere among her top 4. So we are being patient but the $$$ for VCU don’t make sense as of today. We are going to wait and not do housing right away. Frankly I think her housing choice is going to suffer wherever she goes due to this delay. VCU is right there 1-2 for our D so we wait. Less than ideal. Hopefully, we hear something soon. We did receive the large envelope but not anything else. I suspect the merit info comes from another source or there may be multiple sources?

Housing will not open until April so just make sure to apply on the first few days to snatch the better options :wink:

DD received an email invitation from VCU yesterday to join the Summer program to study abroad at Italy. DD was very excited. However, we have to commit by mid. March in order to join. Since our other options will release their results and scholarships by end March/early April, I don’t think DD can go :neutral:

DD also received an email invitation yesterday to apply Alumni Scholarship. DD will work on the essay (I think senior kids are getting very good at writing essays now) this weekend. We are very thankful of the invitation. Every dollar counts :smile:

@SteveMM I think you can wait till mid. March. VCU may send additional scholarship invitations.

What’s the Alumni Scholarship? Do you mean the Legacy Scholarship?