VCU 2024

@SteveMM We (the entire family and extended family) don’t have anyone attended VCU so I guess it is not Legacy related.

Got it. I just looked it up, and the Alumni Scholarship and Legacy Scholarship are totally different. The Legacy Scholarship is for kids who have a parent or grandparent who graduated from VCU. My wife and I both graduated as Rams, so our daughter has applied for that one. The Alumni Scholarship is from the Alumni Association, and looks like it has academic requirements. Our daughter must not have met them, because she wasn’t invited to apply.

My daughter is still waiting to hear if she’s been accepted or not. She’s been accepted to other schools, but VCU is her top choice. My daughter is getting really impatient, but I’m trying to keep her calm. I don’t know they wait so late to let you know or not. If we don’t hear something soon, she will have to go with her other acceptances and make a decision. Come on VCU. Please do better!

Not completely relevant, but Virginia Tech sent out a bunch of acceptances this past week. We know two people who got their acceptance letters. I mentioned it to my son (a high school sophomore) and he said, “Wow … that’s late.” I said, “No, your sister found out really early about VCU, which is why it seems like we’re sitting around forever waiting for the rest of her information!”

Alright already! Send out the letters!

(we now return you to your regularly scheduled patient waiting)

Huzzah! My daughter got an email this morning telling her that she’s been awarded a $3,000 renewable Merit Scholarship! Here are details:

“This scholarship, valued at $3,000 per year, is renewable for up to three years after your first year at VCU. To be eligible for renewal, you must complete at least 28 credit hours on a full-time basis over the fall and spring semesters each year and maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better.”

Sounds like we may have some notice. We have a something in the mail. My wife has that email preview app thing from the postal service. We can see an envelope that will be delivered today. Haven’t heard from our D yet about email (in school) but checking. tks for letting us know

Thanks for the heads up. Harassed my daughter at school already?. $12,000 renewable. OOS.

You are welcome and congrats!

My daughter’s email arrived at about 9am, if that helps anyone.

@SteveMM is it on their portal?

I’m happy to hear that more people are starting to receive their merit information. We had a false alarm here today. The USPS Informed Delivery app showed two pieces of mail coming from VCU, but they were an invitation to an Open House and something encouraging my son to accept. This school kills me. He’s already accepted! What in the world!

@2019boston - No, it’s not on the portal. What we got was a separate email.

@pcarnettepcarnette - That IS ridiculous. My daughter hasn’t accepted yet, but probably will this weekend. She needs to decide about Honors College, but I don’t think she needs to do that to accept the invite to attend.

@SteveMM Are you in-state? Thanks.

I, too, was excited to see that something from VCU was coming in the mail yesterday and it turned out to be just another postcard. Coincidentally, before I saw that some of you have received scholarships, I emailed the admissions counselor this morning to find out if scholarship and financial aid information would be sent out soon, and the reply I received just now was that we would get notification by mid-March and thanked us for our patience. Oh boy. So, some of us will still be waiting for a bit.

@pcarnette - Yes we are in state.

@Graphitemovermom - We got that postcard today. My daughter is probably going to accept this weekend.

My daughter earned a 12k per year merit scholarship. Awesome! She recalls hearing that OOS applicants can receive an additional tuition reduction based on GPA. Has anyone heard of this? I do recall an admissions rep saying my D would be eligible for an OOS reduction. Is that in the 12k she received today?

Congrats to everyone!
My D18 has a one-day interview event at campus tomorrow. Anyone has this similar experience? She is applying for Guaranteed Admission Pharmacy.


@fsudad2022 my dd’s award was split between the Dean’s scholarship and an unspecified “grant”–I don’t know, but I’m assuming the extra $$ was to help defray OOS costs?

@threegirlpileup grants are often not renewable so be aware of that

@fsudad2022 my daughter received the same scholarship and the letter specifically said “ Congratulations on your acceptance to Virginia Commonwealth University! It is my pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to receive a $12,000 Renewable Merit Scholarship award. This is a high honor and well-deserved recognition of your achievements.

This scholarship award is granted to students who are not considered Virginia residents for tuition billing purposes and is meant to help offset the tuition and fees differential incurred by non-resident students at VCU. It is valued at $12,000 and is renewable for up to an additional three years after your first year at VCU. To be eligible for renewal, you must be a full-time student over the fall and spring semesters each year, remain in good academic standing, and continue to be an out-of-state student for tuition billing purposes.

Clearly it is an OOS tuition reduction. I’m assuming your daughter’s is probably the same. Congrats!