Does anyone know how difficult VCU nursing is to get into? I was accepted direct entry to WVU and im torn between the safety of direct entry and how good VCUs nursing program is. The pre recs for VCU are only bio sociology english and precalc for the first semester of freshman before I apply into the program. Later in the year I would be taking nutrition, anatomy, english, and a bio class of my choice. Do you think it would be difficult to maintain around a 3.8 gpa with those courses or should I just go with the safer choice?

Are you sure you would get into VCU if you do maintain a 3.8?

I’d ask for more info from VCU on number of applicants, no. admitted, etc. It is hard for anyone to maintain a 3.8 in college, particularly as you get adjusted to college work levels (and distractions) in your first semester or two. Personally, all other things being equal, I’d stick with the safe choice of direct admission.

If you are in-state in Virginia then VCU may be more economically feasible to attend, but if you are in-state in West Virginia then I would go there. If cost is not a factor, I probably would go with the safer direct admit route regardless of in-state or OOS tuition. VCU has an academic advisor who could give you stats on the profile of the admitted students. Bottom line is how many apply for how many open spots and how much stress do you want to endure not knowing if you will get into a nondirect admit nursing program. Good luck with your decision!