Very interesting article on this years applicants to Kenyon

<p>I just found this article from the Feb. 17, 2005 issue of the Kenyon Collegian. It has some very interesting information on the applications Kenyon received this year. One fascinating fact is that only 6 international applicants were accepted ED this year, because I believe at least 3 of them are posters on this board. </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>ya motheroftwo, i was waiting for the link, thanks.
Proud to be among those lucky 6.</p>

<p>And Kenyon will be proud to have you as a student too!! :)</p>

<p>motheroftwo, you really are flattering me.
thanks anyways.</p>

<p>I'm shocked by knowing that just 6 int'l got accepted.
I feel I've been very lucky to be among them!!!</p>

<p>yeahmeh, yes it is reason enough to be excited but that figure is for ED only.
ANyways, yes, we did it.</p>

<p>I'm also an ED. Do u know how many Rd int'l got accepted?</p>

<p>no idea. tried to find that out earlier but just couldnt get the stats from the website.
a friend of mine, blip, has been accepted.
yeahmeh, do u have msn or yahoo?</p>

<p>I found an article dated May 5 in the Collegian...It has something new on the yield rate, gender balance etc for the class of 2009! Check it out:</p>

<p>click here for the article</p>

<p>The Editor in Chief of the Collegian has also written something interesting at end of his four years in the college....Its worth a read cause thats what he feels!</p>

<p>click</a> here for his opinion</p>

<p>Both interesting! Thanks, blip!</p>

<p>Thanks, blip! It will also be very interesting to see the final statistics for the entering class when they are calculated.</p>

<p>I am really looking forward to the final statistics as well. I will probably email them asking about it by the end of this week!</p>

<p>Yeah i' also very curious to know those statistics.</p>

<p>Please share the statistics when you get them :). In the recent letter I got with the new surveys, it said that in the class of 2009 45 states are represented and 20 countries. I thought that was pretty cool.</p>

<p>Sure, I will certainly share them lainey! :=)</p>

<p>Here is an interesting article about the Dean of admissions: Jennifer Delahunty Britz....</p>

<p>click here to read</p>

<p>Here is the link to the actual article Blip refers to, which can be accessed by anyone:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>