I just got my writing score back and I’m very confused/upset. My composite for the June test was a 29 (34 reading/33 english) but my writing is a 5 which, if i did my research correctly, translates to a 13/36. I consider myself a strong writer (i haven’t received anything lower than a B on any essay in HS) and now I’m really worried about admissions officers seeing my writing score and immediately throwing my app out. I’m mostly applying to schools that don’t require the writing portion but they’re selective (Barnard, nyu, Boston). Will that writing score still hurt my chances?
And has anyone else had this problem recently? Is it worth it to send in the $50 rescore fee?
my daughter had a very low writing score on her first ACT (her composite was same as yours with same high reading/english and lower math/science). I think I posted a question about it at the time and the feedback I got here was that most schools dont give much weight to the writing scores and that it is seen as a flawed system. I did the rescore thing to see what would happened and what happened was the score stayed the same. Keep your $50. She took the ACT again and her writing score went from a 5 to a 7. Still not great. Not going to worry about it. They will get a sample of your writing and will see your strong grades and scores in your reading and writing classes.
I was really freaking out about it but this helped ease a lot of my worries! Thank you