Very upset and dont know what to do

<p>ok so we had an APUSH quiz/test over the terms from chapter 15 (American Pageant) was like 40ish terms.....I made flash cards last night and it was 1:00 am so i decided to take a my dismay, i woke up at 6:45 and I had yet to STUDY! So, I did not go to school until 11:20 and studied for a good 3 hours...I thought I had it down....but then when I took the quiz, my mind went blank.....I am pretty sure I did not get higher than an 80 and I'm really ****ed because i was the last person to turn it in and i actually studied a lot for that...whereas other people probably just studied for 1/2 hour and will get a better grade than me....why is that?</p>

<p>In my experience quizzes usually count very little compared to tests, so if your school's the same way, you should still be okay. And if other people are studying so little and getting better grades than you, maybe you should study with them and find out their secrets :)</p>

<p>That sucks when that happens. Sometimes when I study late at night, I take a rest, lay down on my bed and accidentally fall asleep. Then I wake up at 6:30 am with the lights on and it hits me....I fell asleep while studying.</p>

<p>Thank God my APUSH class is later in the day, so I can study during my electives.</p>

<p>this is pretty mean to say, but some people are just smarter than others</p>

<p>There are studies that show that sleep after study actually cements what you studied--- it's so hard to organize one's life to study and then sleep before a test but it could help.</p>

<p>You may think a lot of people only studied for 30 minutes, even if they told you different. That, and some people memorize things like that faster, or they studied a bit everyday. </p>

<p>Whenever I would get good grades on tests in APUSH last year, people were surprised, because apparently I didn't study... FALSE, I studied a good 10-12 hours the day before the test during most tests. </p>

<p>What can you do? Umm, you can do better next time. Oh, and if you think that studying 3 hours is a lot, *** are you thinking.</p>

<p>An 80 on a quiz is not the end of the world, relax and put it behind you.</p>

<p>This is an AP class...the tests are going to be alot harder than what you're used to. I usually get 70-75% on mine. I don't study...I just listen to lectures. I don't have time to study, but I'm sure I could get better grades if I did.</p>

<p>fastMED, that has nothing to do with it. "Smart" students get good grades through studying as well. A girl I know who got a 98% on our last test told me she read 75 pages over the weekend, and she is extremely smart. She studies hard to get those grades and I believe she has a 98% in the class.</p>

<p>Moose- Ohh ok....but yeah i am def. going to put in a few more hours next time and see how that goes....hopefully it will pay off.</p>

<p>PS: Another question: I get home at 3:30 but for some reason, when I go to sleep at 1:00 or so I am like ''crap i guess i'll study for the bio test 3rd period, or do the editorial for english during chem''.....this really gets me......because 99% of the time I am doing homework for other classes in all my classes and I see other kids and they are so relaxed....and im just like ''blah''...and the thing is that these kids get better grades than me .....and unlike me, they get enough sleep.....uhh i dont know.</p>

<p>10 HOURS of STUDYING?</p>

<p>You're insane!! I think my max is like..3 hours. And that was for a final exam.
Wow. I would totally shoot myself if I studied that much. How do you even have that much time??! Hahah I'm in awe.</p>

<p>the calcobra i do i allll the time. My math epriod for me is like my APUSH homework period, my Chem is my relgion homework period and my religion period is like my french period
10 hours. HA thats a good one.</p>

<p>The reason why I studied 10 hours in one sitting was that I never studied at all the previous days. The tests were impossibly hard. There were never more than 2 people at a time to get an A on a test. Spending 10 hours studying on an APUSH class every two weeks isn't that bad, think about it ;)</p>

<p>EDIT: I don't want to misinform anyone. I spent a ****load of time on APUSH outside of those 10 hours of studying, on homework and projects and stuff.</p>

<p>ok here's the thing: I dont disagree with 10 hours of studying in a single sitting...actually i would love to do that....but i dont see how that is possible....i mean i start falling asleep after 40 minutes of ''studying'' and so i have to force myself to concentrate....going 10 hours with concentration is very tough.....or even 8-9.</p>