Very, Very late Financial Aid... But wow! HELP!

<p>I got all my stuff in finally 4/22/2010. So much later than it should've been but my dad was really lazy with tax stuff since Michigan didn't require it and they already offered me a great package.</p>

<p>EFC for USC was $0, FAFSA said $1650, so I'm happy about that.</p>

<pre><code> Estimated ACG - Freshman (Fall 2010) $375
Estimated ACG - Freshman (Spring 2011) $375
Estimated Federal Pell Grant (Fall 2010) $2,775
Estimated Federal Pell Grant (Spring 2011) $2,775
Federal SEOG (Fall 2010) $600
Federal SEOG (Spring 2011) $600
Federal Work-Study (Fall 2010) $1,250
Federal Work-Study (Spring 2011) $1,250
University Grant (Spring 2011) $18,789
University Grant (Fall 2010) $18,939
Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan (Fall 2010) $1,750
Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan (Spring 2011) $1,750
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan (Fall 2010) $250
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan (Spring 2011) $250
University Scholarship (Fall 2010) $2,000
University Scholarship (Spring 2011) $2,000

Total Awards $55,728

<p>So wow, I'm very excited to receive this package, only $6500/year, which is covered in work-study/loans. With that being said, anyone know the maximum on work-study/loans? Did I get the max, or did I get pretty lucky with that?</p>

<p>While I am excited, May 1st is Saturday!!! and I have to decide between Michigan for ~$2100/year and USC for $6500/year. I'm doing Engineering, and anyone who can compare the two schools, please give me some advice here! I've gotta make a decision quickly!</p>

<p>Throw at me anything that you think will make my decision easier, tell me why so cal is so amazing, why you chose USC, what you're gonna do for grad school, social life, anything! throw it all at me!</p>

<p>That is such a blessing! Congratulations!!!</p>

<p>Hahaha! When I saw your Michigan package I thought we lost you for sure - yay for USC financial aid! </p>

<p>Yeah, $2,500 in work study works out to about 10 hours a week, which is the max they recommend a freshman works. </p>

<p>And here you’ve been assuming you would go to Michigan and hanging out on their forum for a whole month… glad you’re back over here at the USC forum and we’re back in the mix!</p>

<p>Tough decision - you can’t go wrong. Good luck, Lightja!</p>

<p>Yayy! Glad to know you’re still in the running to become a trojan!</p>

<p>Well, engineering…Viterbi IS in the top 10 for undergrad engineering schools. Sorry, don’t know much about Mich’s engineering school.</p>

<p>USC has…lots of DIVERSITY!, incredible location (LA, SoCal :)), amazing campus, TROJAN FOOTBALL!, Trojan family, top-notch academics…and a lot more. If you like USC more and are worried about the money issue, that difference of $4400/year isn’t a whole lot. If it were me, I’d choose USC, but that’s because I just love SC that much :slight_smile: So…I think you should ask yourself which school you like more, where you could see yourself at for the next four years, etc. </p>

<p>Good luck! And I agree with the others; you really can’t go wrong with this decision. Both are great!</p>

<p>Oh, I almost forgot. Do you mind helping out by posting in here? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Just a minor correction, but Viterbi is actually ranked 28th (for '08) in undergraduate engineering. It’s graduate school is ranked 10th. Meanwhile, Michigan is ranked 7th in undergraduate engineering.</p>

<p>Anyways, congrats on your package!</p>

<p>^ Oops, thanks NYEngineer for the correction!</p>

<p>Thanks for the congratulations, alamemom I partially made this thread because I knew you’d enjoy it hah. </p>

<p>Also, for rankings (not that ranking should be regarded very heavily), the only one that matters is Computer Engineering/Science, which I think Michigan is #7 for undergrad and USC is more than 10, b/c i can’t see past 10, but not too far past it.</p>

<p>Would a degree from USC go as far as a degree from Michigan as far as getting into a good grad school, like berkeley stanford or MIT? If i decide to change schools anyways.</p>

<p>:) I have no info for you regarding rankings or grad school, I just think you’d be perfect at USC!</p>

<p>Oh! here’s something useful: Much better weather in LA. MUCH.</p>

<p>It’s not where you go, it’s what you do when you’re there. A small difference in ranking isn’t going to be a deal-breaker when/if applying to other schools. Just keep a good GPA.</p>

<p>I’m doing computer engineering as well, hope to see you there ;)</p>

<p>Hmm since it’s computer engineering/science you’re doing…USC is much closer to Silicon Valley than Mich :)</p>

<p>Just a tip that applies to both schools: If you have outside scholarships, contact your schools BEFORE you commit to see how they will be applied. You should request they replace subsidized loans and/or work study rather than grants.</p>

<p>If you wait unitl after you commit they might just automatically replece some of your grants because you have an overaward (that is, they have decided that you get aid beyond the FAFSA EFC). If you talk to them about it BEFORE you commit they will be more willing to apply those scholarships to your advantage in order to encourage you to attend.</p>

<p>I’ve made my decision, and…</p>

<p>I’M GOING TO USC!!!</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who went along for the ride in the 2009-2010 chance threads, application questions, the applications, predictions based on those applications, Financial aid applications (special thanks to alamemom for your amazing thread!) the months of status speculations, scholarship competitors going to explore with the first wave of acceptances, and the nervousness leading up to late February to see if you got in. Whether you got accepted or rejected, got a scholarship or not, it’s been a fun ride but I’m glad it’s finally over and I can rest easy knowing where I’m going to school next year and for how much money.</p>

<p>The fact that the USC CC community has been so supportive was a big reason I chose USC over Michigan. Especially Georgia Girl always reminding me why USC is so great and with alamemom always there to answer a question, I could always rely on you! Not to mention all the other applicants and current students who have helped us through the process. I haven’t heard anyone that goes to USC say anything but they absolutely LOVE it there, and that made my decision easy.</p>

<p>Fight on! </p>

<p>USC Class of 2014</p>

<p>Congradulations Lightja!</p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>


Thanks for your kind remarks. This has really brightened my day!</p>

<p>I agree with Lightja, the CC community here is just outstanding. Finally son gave in and checked the threads here to determine where he will spend his next 4 years and guess what???</p>

<p>USC won!!!</p>

<p>Congrats on Lightja and pixeljig’s son for choosing USC! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations! Welcome to the Trojan family :D</p>

<p>And congratulations to your son as well, pixeljig!</p>

<p>Fight on, guys! :D</p>

<p>I CAN’T wait for this fall! I’m thinking…CC 2014 meetup? :P</p>