Villanova Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter just got off Villanova waitlist and offered admission. Not sure how this works as we already have a deposit at another school. Do you press accept offer and then find out about financial aid? How long do you have to accept the offer? It is not clear on the villanova site.

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My daughter got into VSB with similar stats as your son and did not get any merit. She applied RD too. I know itā€™s late now, but if your son ever decides he wants to look elsewhere after his first year, consider Lehigh. My daughter got into their business school, and they have an Economics major within the Business school. They also gave her a full tuition merit scholarship which was incredible because we did not apply for financial aid so it was purely merit based. I am sure your son could get some merit there as a transfer, just something to keep in the back of your mind. But I am sure he will love VSB too, it sounds like a great place.

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We couldnā€™t find any financial info either. Definitely need that before anyone accepts. Very confusing. I think deadline for decision was noted as Friday.

Thatā€™s great to know, thank you. Lehigh was on his early naviance list, and then he took it off for some reason. He would really like knowing that they offer the economics major within their business school. Weā€™re all in on Nova now, but thatā€™s solid information just in case. Thank you again!

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So, financial aid finally appeared. COA = 50k - way above NPC and the EFC of 9K that her committed school determined. Just a warning for those considering in the future. No one can afford 1/3-1/2 of their annual salary.

My daughter just was accepted off the waitlist today.

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My daughter was also accepted off the waitlist on Monday. She loved Nova and had applied ED2. But when she was waitlisted, she moved on and accepted a spot at another school that she had applied to last minute without doing much research. When she was waitlisted, she visited the other school and fell in love with it. She has been super excited about it and has been connecting with other students online. Now that sheā€™s been accepted at VU, sheā€™s conflicted but most likely will stick with the other school (she has until Monday to decide). I think at this point itā€™s difficult to switch gears. Her HS counselors were surprised that she was waitlisted. They were confident sheā€™d be accepted. And Iā€™d love her to go to Villanova. But itā€™s 100% her choice, not mine and I think things happen for a reason. Maybe Villanova did her a favor by waitlisting her. In the end, I guess everyone ends up where they are supposed to be!

My daughter is also waitlisted at Villanova and she hasnā€™t heard back yet. I texted the admissions office and they responded that admitted or rejected notices will be sent out by June 30. Has anyone received any news of admission since the last post on Monday 05/15/23?

My son received acceptance tonight for the business school. The timing is certainly not optimal. This is an emotional rollercoaster. They would have had him if it was March.

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This year has been unusually messy and one canā€™t help but feel a bit angry with colleges who placed so many applicants on waitlists in order to optimize their enrollment. Yes, they are businesses but it sure doesnā€™t feel good for families and students.


My daughter received an acceptance from WL on 5/24. She did accept.

Congratulations! It is a great school!

I appreciate this response. My son gave up a spot in Virginia Techā€™s Honors engineering program for the more close-knit environment of Villanova. I think the smaller schools suit his personality best. He will also be CE:)


Very excited for the Villanova class of 2027!

Sorry, 6 months late on my reply on outcome. We did submit detailed FA appeal package and my daughter was awarded an additional $10K in need based grant aid in mid April for 2022-2023 school year. I also stopped by FA office for quick chat during admitted students day which could have helped. Additional aid still did not match or still short of school NPC but was close enough. It was the deciding factor in her decision to attend vs. Richmond. Current freshman at Villanova and loving the campus and community!!

I am so glad to hear that it worked out and that she is happy at Villanova. We also considered Richmond, but my daughter just felt like Villanova was a better fit for her, so far so good and she is quite happy there. I canā€™t believe that it is already fall break!