Villanova Class of 2027 Official Thread

Villanova pretty much has no merit anymore. The presidential is extremely difficult to get and financial need is taken into account through the selection process.

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Villanovaā€™s merit consists of 25 presidential scholarships and about another 50 smaller merit awards for finalists. So thatā€™s less than 5% of the incoming class. Did BC offer merit?

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Thanks. Iā€™ve heard similar numbers. No, BC didnā€™t offer any merit either. Fordham offered free tuition so thatā€™s significant money. A number of people told me that Villanova would offer merit, but their information must be very outdated at this point.

I think shortly after they went to ED1 and ED2 they stopped with merit.

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If you are ever looking for exact numbers at specific schools, look at the common data set. In the financial aid section you will see the total number of students who were not eligible to receive need based aid and received merit aid.

Another good resource is look at Jeff Selingoā€™s list of ā€œBuyersā€ and ā€œSellersā€ in colleges (also a great audiobook ā€œWho gets in and whyā€.

Nova and BC are both Sellers so unless you end up as a Gabelli or Presidential Scholar thereā€™s no discount.

Both schools saw another jump in applications this year and I expect both are under 20% acceptance rate.

Fordham has had some issues managing their yield rate and are now in the buyer side.


Very interesting, especially the buyers and sellers concept, thanks. BC had a 15% acceptance rate this yearā€¦ Boston College admits Class of 2027 ( I donā€™t know about Nova in general, but Iā€™ve always wondered about the acceptance rate for VSB undergraduate in particular.

Just curious, did Villanova respond to your appeal? Since they donā€™t provide merit aid I am hoping that is because they are generous with financial aid.

No response yet. Itā€™s been 2 weeks since submitted. They were generous with need based aid but still off from EFC & 80-85% advertised. We still plan to attend accepted student day next weekend but my daughter is aware of current situation.

Please share what the response is, I am hoping that Villanova does right by you

Admissions Office said over the phone that acceptance rate this year is 20% (down from 23% from last year).

But nothing has officially posted on this.


Weā€™d love to hear from those familiar with the Villanova College of Engineering. Our son was admitted to the Chemical Engineering program. He has also been admitted to Purdue, Syracuse, and the University at Buffalo, all of which would cost significantly less. He loves Villanova and weā€™re wondering how strong their engineering program is and if itā€™s worth the (much) higher price. Our second concern is that heā€™s not 100% sure engineering is what he ultimately wants to study, so would Villanova be a good place for him? How easy is it to switch out of engineering? The May 1st deposit deadline is quickly approaching and we have a big decision to make! Any thoughts and insights would be appreciated.

My son graduated last year (CE) we were impressed on a number of levels. Academically the engineering program is stellar. Although the new engineering center is focused on research the engineering school is highly focused on undergraduate education. His professors will know your son -very well. Its a rigorous program. The university has a whole is focused on developing the whole person - the Augustinian ethos is powerful. I do not know much about the other schools my sense is they re much larger. Villanova is located in one of the nicest areas of the country. Transfering from engineering is very doable into anything but the business school.- That would take some work.

What did your son decide? Did he also get into the Business School at Fordham? Free tuition to Gabelli is a pretty great option.

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It was a very difficult decision, but he chose the Villanova School of Business. Fordham looked great, but like most colleges, they donā€™t offer a straight up Economics major in their business school. That would have to be been done through Fordham College, not Gabelli, and that would be fine, but he wouldnā€™t be taking many other business courses which is very important to him. There were other factors as well. It was even more so evident with Wesleyan and Haverford (no business schools at all), and BC works similarly to Fordham. Villanova was really unique in offering economics through either the university or VSB, with some minor differences. It was however extremely hard turning down the free tuition from Fordham. My gut hurts from that. Was it the right decision? Time will tell.

Thatā€™s funny. My husband graduated from Gabelli a long time ago (Before it was Gabelli) with a BS in Economics. Things change. Thatā€™s too bad, but he will love Villanova. My oldest DS went there, and he was not in the Business School but the students there are top notch.


My son is in the VSB (triple major: Marketing, Business Analytics, and International Business). It really is an excellent Business School, and the professors there are highly experienced in their fields. They care about the students, teaching them what they need to know, and want them to succeed after they graduate. My son has made excellent contacts and references. Heā€™s studying abroad this summer at the London School of Economics (LSE) and has an internship in a London firm.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. My son loves Villanova and is currently wrapping up his Junior year. Welcome to Nova Nation!

Thank you so much! That is very kind of you, and if we have any questions we will definitely reach out to you. Your son sounds like an amazing young man. I never even heard of a triple major! Thank you again for the welcome.

Villanova took me off the waitlist and accepted me around 20 minutes ago to VSB. Anyone else?

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My daughter too, but I think sheā€™s set with where sheā€™s already committed.

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My son as well.