Villanova vs Babson Vs U of Miami

<p>Son has been admitted to these 3 schools (wait listed at Boston College-his first choice, and offered a guaranteed transfer to Cornell AEM for sophomore year- not sure he will want to transfer if he is happy after his freshman year wherever he goes).
We are debating on which one he should attend, based not only on the academics (Villanova I guess would be the highest ranked) but also on weather, fun city, atmosphere at the school, sports etc. He is very much into sports and a big fan of the Miami teams (which attracts him to the U) but wants to go to the best school overall. Not only decide with his heart and feelings but also with his head.
Anyone that has attended these schools that can offer me some feedback?

<p>If you’re looking at it from an overall perspective, I maintain that UM is one of the best schools in the country. There are lots of places out there which are good at academics, lots of places which have great sports teams, lots of places with great diversity, lots of schools in great locations, a bunch of schools with great student faculty ratios and small class sizes, and others which offer excellent resources and clubs to their students.</p>

<p>But UM is one of the very few universities that has it all. We are ranked #47 academically, and #1 in the state of Florida; our sports teams are to die for, and if they’re not ranked in the top 25 it’s considered to be an outrage; we are ranked #1 in the country for diversity, and it really shows when on the campus; we’re in Miami! what is better than Miami? we have great weather year round; for every thirteen students, we have one faculty member, which is excellent, while half of our classes have 16 students or less; and we have nearly 300 clubs for 9500 students, and if you want to start a new club, it’s incredibly easy.</p>

<p>Which is why I would pick UM over any of these schools, and practically any other school in the country.</p>

<p>But that’s just my take on things. :)</p>

<p>Of course, a lot of factors need to go in to your decision. What is your financial situation? do you have scholarships to these schools?</p>

<p>One obvious thing missing from your post is whether or not he has visited these schools. Just geographically speaking, there are major differences that might factor into the decision. Does he like winter weather, or would he prefer wearing shorts and t-shirts year round? Would he like to be minutes from one of the nicest beaches in the country - a place where many people travel to on vacation? Would it make him happy to wake up every morning to walk through the beautiful palm trees throughout campus, to attend classes with about the best student/teacher ratio around? Or would he prefer the other two…</p>

<p>I wonder if cinzia also posted this question on the Villanova and Babson home pages?! I’ll bet the responses there are as passionate as ours are here. I’m a true Cane fan and really believe my daughter has made the best choice in enrolling at the U. Her reasons for deciding to attend will be different than cinzia’s sons and of course unique from eveyone elses. For her, it was one of the easist decisions she’s ever made.
Can’t wait to be a CaneDad!!!


<p>Cornell was my daughter’s dream school and she also received a guaranteed transfer. </p>

<p>She was not even at Miami for a month and she said there was NO WAY she would ever transfer as the U was so fantastic!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for your responses! And yes, ZincWhiskers, I did post in the other schools’ home pages but UM had the most passionate responses.
VHfather, my son has visited the three schools and liked them all. The weather is not a huge factor in his decision.</p>

<p>Getting to South Beach from Coral Gables is just as tough as getting to South Street from Villanova. You will need a car. </p>

<p>Don’t expect much from Miami football in the near future, as their recruiting these past few years was terrible. Florida state and Va. Tech will continue to dominate the ACC. Although Al Golden, the new football coach, from Philly, (where I live) is very good. But there is only so much you can do with the talent you have. Miami basketball is so-so. Villanova basketball is much, much better. Boston college actually might have a better football team for the next four years.</p>

<p>They are all good schools, (I am a Miami alum). And I guess you son will be a business major with Babson in the mix? It’s a tough choice, so I think that it comes down to these criteria, academically, Babson has the best business school. As for sports teams, tossup between Miami and Villanova, edge to Miami as Villanova football is D2 but might switch into the Big East, which will have growing pains. </p>

<p>So, sports teams? No clear winner but not Babson
academics? Babson
weather? Miami
student diversity? Miami. Villanova is known as Vanilla-nova.</p>