Virginia tech Class of 2019 regular decision Thread

Does it mean anything in particular if you don’t get your decision today?

I got in, engineering, but I haven’t heard anything about honors. I read somewhere (and it’s on old VT threads) that it comes out on April 15. I think I saw that on the VT site, but I haven’t been able to find it again, so it’s not fact.

I got accepted!! Pamplin college of business for accounting! I’m so excited. I didn’t think I would find out this early

My S just got in! So proud since VT is very much in play for a future alma mater.

Liberal Arts
Top 14% of class
CR 540 Math 630
4.2 weighted gpa about 3.7 unweighted
About 5 APs with a bunch of honors classes
Exceptional & unique ECs

Decision: Accepted- Bioscience major


SAT I (breakdown): 1930 total
ACT: 29 (34 English, 25 Math)
SAT II: 630 (Latin), 630 (Biology)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.6 / weighted 4.1
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): top 15%
AP (place score in parenthesis): Biology (3), USH (3), Latin (3), Euro (3)
IB (place score in parenthesis): School doesn’t offer
Senior Year Course Load: College Composition 1&2 (Dual enrollment), Math Analysis, Spanish 1, Personal Finance, Honors Government, Calculus
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Awards from state/national Latin conventions, AP Scholar Award, volunteer and club awards etc.

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Mu Alpha Theta, International Club (Historian, President), Environmental Club, Color Guard, National Honor Society, Virginia Junior Classical League, National Junior Classical League.
Job/Work Experience: Work at tween clothing store for the past year
Volunteer/Community service: 200+ hours total. Humane Society, public library, local hospital, neighborhood volunteer
Summer Activities: Worked, volunteered, went to National Latin convention at Emory U in Georgia (right around the time the Ebola patient arrived!)
Essays: Pretty good!
Teacher Recommendation: Pretty good!
Counselor Rec: Probably really generic. Just got a new counselor.
Additional Rec:


State (if domestic applicant): VA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public school
Ethnicity: Native American, White (dual citizenship with England), African American, and Hispanic! Fun mix!
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 100,000+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): URM, my essays were pretty good


Strengths: APUSH teacher rec, essays were great
Weaknesses: SAT/ACT math scores were a bit low for a science major.
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: My essays were pretty good and my scores were about average for VT.
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: , JMU (accepted), GMU (accepted), ODU(accepted), UVA(Deferred)
General Comments: VT is definitely the place for me! Just payed my admission fee and beyond hype to be a Hokie!!! Congratulations to everyone was accepted and good luck to all those finding out next month!

My son is a senior and I have been following CC, but just joined this great community.
Very happy to see that he has been offered admission for Engineering at Virginia Tech!
We have been checking the website all evening, but could not find the decision until now.

To find out the decision ,

  1. log in to your account, it brings up “Application Information”.
  2. When you click that, it opens the “Application Menu” .
  3. From that page, click on “Fall 2015”( listed under admission term) and then it opens
    up " View Application Summary" and you can see the decision in maroon… hope it helps people like us who have been struggling to figure this out.

Accepted to Engineering

I was accepted to the Biology program! My ACT was 29. My unweighted GPA is 3.8 and weighted GPA is 4.25! Congrats to all those who got accepted!

Accepted to Architecture, my ACT was 34

Accepted into Engineering if its true on the boards about getting your first choice:


2110(superscore) 770R 700M 640W
32 ACT
top 9% of school
4.0 un- weighted 4.89 weighted

4 AP classes, AP eng, LIt, calculus,Computer science
TEAM 4 years
Interact - 4 years including senior year, President
key club - 4years which 3 of them I was a Marketing officer

2 week summer program at Stevens Institute, Engineering and Science Options

Golf team 4 years

150 hours of community service
worked fo 2 summers

Now I need to see if they will offer any scholarships.

Accepted into Engineering

35 ACT
800 M2, 760 Chem
Rank: 16/290
8 APs by the end of this year - 4s and 5s
A bunch of volunteering, activities/sport, NHS, etc - leadership in 3 clubs.

How do you know if you got into Engineering? My D put Engineering as her first choice, and University Studies as her second major? I hope it’s engineering!

@collegeplease123‌ Someone called and was told that people who were accepted today got into their first choice major. So if your D was accepted today, she got into Engineering! Congrats to her.

Wow congratulations to all! Are they still sending out acceptances now? Will they continue to send out notifications after this date up to March 20? I’m a bit confused on this. Thanks so much. I have not heard anything from them. I applied for Graphic Design and I’m OOS as well.

@Marimew‌ They announced in an email that they were doing two batches of decisions, one in February and one in March. If I had to guess you’ll probably get your decision in March.

Ah, darn… Okay. Thanks a bunch.

I have heard some colleges send free gear along with the acceptance packet, such as a t-shirt or scarf! Does anyone know if VT does this? And congrats to all accepted!

S1 accepted to business

OOS from NJ

31 act (super scored)
1330/1850 sat
3.1 UW/3.7 w
Ap: stats/4, ab Calc/5. Taking us Gov/pol this year.

Ec: Eagle Scout, swim team (4 yr letter & captain), over 500 hrs volunteer work (bs & church)
Weakness : gpa
Strengths: act & ec

Other: applied to corp of cadets, which I’m sure helped quite a bit.

His essay was about being crew chief at Philmont last summer on ‘very strenuous’ 100+ mile trek. Two of my friends, former Hs english teacher and former AdCon at prestigious LAC, thought it completely represented who he is and schools would either want him or not based on it.

Congrats everyone! My S was accepted to Pamplin Business School with Finance Major. Stats are similar to everyone that has posted with JROTC 4 years, Certified Soccer Referee Grade 8 for 5 years, many missions trips and student excahnges. We didn’t know about the Cadet Program-sounds great! Anyone have a student who will participate? I’m also waiting for scholarship notice as well…

What have people heard about past merit aid? Due to an early retirement/downsizing severance package which paid out in Jan 2014, our EFC is very high and unlikely to garner much aid. We’ve kept the payout quite liquid to fund future college expenses, which further increases the EFC.