Virginia tech Class of 2019 regular decision Thread

Accepted into college of engineering. Indian citizen

@mjaidev07 I’m from India too. Where are you from in India and are you surely planning on going to VT

When will the ROTC stuff come out?

does anyone know if they are going to gradually give out decisions during the month of march or they going to send them out in bulk on March 20? Congrats to the people who got accepted.

I’m like 95% positive they will send them out in bulk on March 20 @sumkid. At least that’s what the lady from VaTech said when she came to my school in September, but then again, she never mentioned the Feb 20 sendout so maybe
it’s subject to change!

Daughter got her letter yesterday! Accepted college of Engineering. Surprised to get it so early we thought April 1.
We are in FL.

@ind1900 I am from Bangalore,where are you from? I have not decided as yet as I am waiting for other decisions to come out first. Wbu?

@mhaidev07 I’m from chennai and I’m waiting to hear back from penn state and some other schools. If I dont get in there then propably Ill join VT

@ind1900‌ Thats great.

Daughter accepted.
OOS from California
1810 SAT ( Superscored )
3.6 UW GPA
Private Catholic High School with rigorous academics
Political Science
High level of Leadership and Service hours
Both parents graduated from VT

Now we have to see if she wants to accept. Will visit in early April with her. She’s been to Blacksburg a couple of times for football games.

Hey congrats to everyone!
ACCEPTED to the college of Engineering.
GPA: 4.0
SAT: 2060 (M:690 CR:750 W:620)
Pennsylvania resident
4 year athlete with multiple awards
good essay quality
high level of participation in school activities

Now I just have to decide between VT and Penn State! Visiting Blacksburg later this month.

My daughter was also accepted at Penn State Main and we will be visiting there as well. Good luck with your choice.

Your guest account application page should say “Offered Admission”

has anyone received decisions this month?

@sumkid we should find out march 20th

Well… I was accepted to General Engineering, but they are reviewing my application again because I decided to drop ROTC program… damn its gonna be another 10 sleepless nights…

Got accepted (for engineering) in the first RD round but withdrew my application after I got into my top choice. Stats are as follows
GPA: 3.5 uw 4.0 w
SAT: 700 cr 660 m 630 w
Ok EC’s, good essays, and good letters of rec
Even though I won’t be attending VT it was a top choice and I wish all you (hopefully) future hokies the best of luck!

D got accepted a couple of weeks ago… Engineering. Good luck to all:)

@jasoncolorado where did you decide to go?

@Maxie97‌ I got into Tulane University