<p>Whassup guys I'm a senior up/down in Northern Virginia. I'm Indonesian (so I guess it's Asian/Pacific Islander) male, middle class I'd say. I go to Falls Church HS, it's an okay school I guess. I'm looking to get into a university with a pretty good engineering program, and VT is def one of them. Being instate it's also quite enticing. I'm also looking to do computer engineering in college. What are my chances of being offered admission ED?</p>

<p>SAT I: 1930 - 710M 600CR 620W
- Retaking October 8th
- Math IIC and Physics in November
Rank: 20/283 Top 7%
3.773 GPA</p>

<p>Extra curriculars: Not much, but I was/am pretty involved in them as a member.
- Future Business Leaders of America: 9-10, 12
- Skills USA: 11
- NHS: 11-12
- Math league/varsity math team: 10-12
- volunteer/trainer @ hospital - sometimes run the shift: 8-12 550 hours, 4 hours a week
- hold down a job as an associate at FYE: 13.5 hours/week since August</p>

<p>I have a demanding courseload, but nothing insanely demanding like taking all APs. Out of the four core classes, three have been either Honors or AP each year. I've taken Spanish all four years, and my electives are all computer/tech-related. I'll have taken 6 APs by the time I graduate. World History - 3 English Lang/Comp - 2 US History - 4. My senior year schedule is as follows:</p>

<p>English 12
AP Government
AP Calculus BC
AP Physics C
Spanish 4
Computer Graphics 1</p>

<p>One more thing, does anybody know any other good public or private engineering colleges that I have realistic chances of getting into if I don't get in VT ED?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance, and PLEASE POR FAVOR reply if you read this. I've noticed the terrible reply:view ratios in here and I'll hunt you down. J/k.</p>

<p>Anybody know?</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance if you improve the SAT score and the GPA by just a bit. I don't know if VA Tech is really like that hard to get into, but try it out. Hope you get in.</p>