Virginia Tech Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

U-Tenn’s EA Deadline is 11/1 and we had a decision on 12/20. Holistic review process with similar numbers to V-Tech.

Not suggesting that V-Tech is taking “too long” - they publish getting decisions out by the end of February and by all accounts they should meet that. It’s in inpatient applicants. :slight_smile:

Personally I like that all decisions from that round will drop on the same day. Go over to the boards for U-Mass or U-Texas (I’m sure there’s many others!) - they released in waves and it left a lot of people wondering when they might hear - for weeks at a time.

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LOL. I’m the parent of a kid who didn’t hear of her UMass acceptance until the last round of EA. It was brutal. Round after round of anticipation and then nothing.

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UVA got more applications, reads the essays and is releasing this Friday.

As I’m sure you know, these are different schools, with different admissions staffs and timelines. On the VT admissions page, it states that EA results will be released by late February, and they seem to be on track to do so. As has been said , the waiting is the hardest part! Good luck to all!


And had an “extra” month. UVA deadline for EA was 11/1, VT EA deadline is 12/1.

Mine heard 2nd round it was a relief.

Both FSU & Florida release around the same time in February as VT, correct? VT & FSU were my D2021’s last two decisions and I think they came the same week. D2013 had 6 EA decisions by Christmas in her application cycle. Three of those six have since pushed their EA decisions to late January.

The wait is hard (unless your student ED’s or applies to a school with rolling admissions), but it could be worse if you’re putting all your bets on Ivy Day.


The wait is hard. There was one school that was VERY early for us (mid-Nov) and was an acceptance. That took a lot of pressure off since now we at least knew “well, you got into 1, so we know you’re going to college somewhere!”.

Even the early notifications though don’t release FA at that time - so need to wait until Feb/Mar to get a full picture to compare schools. All the stress of not knowing will be over in 7 weeks or so.


We appllied most in August…got back 7 before december 31…that he got into. It did feel good to get early in to say…you got in somewhere. :> now the wait for his dream school = and we are ok with the wait. :>


Similar situation here. 7 acceptances early. Not so much a dream school as improving his lie. Then the challenging of making the best choice will begin.


Anyone think answers for EA will come out today???

They announced it would NOT be today. Probably next Friday (the 17th)

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UVA is today if you have a horse in that race. :slight_smile:

ok, ty!

Anyone know if VTech announces scholarships with the (EA) admission decision itself or later?

Following this too.

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Their website says financial aid info is included in admission letter.


Son is hearing EA will be released today.
This seems odd to do on a Wednesday. Anyone else hearing this?


I called last week and heard mid week, so maybe!


No idea but prior to login the information technology page shows my sons VT email. Are all given that?