Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>@zleader15 Right here with you, zleader. What are your stats?</p>

<p>Yup, same here with the rest of you :(</p>

<p>im freaking out waiting too.</p>

<p>In high school 1190 SAT math and reading, GPA: I think 3.7?
1st semester at JMU I got a 3.22, and this semester is hopefully around a 3.6. I’m in the business school right now but I wanted to change into the College of Agriculture and Life Science so hopefully that didn’t affect their decision.</p>

<p>Personally, I’m hoping to find out before post #1000.
'Cause I’m also having a mini freakout.
Hurry up admissions people!</p>

<p>Since I got the hokie bird today, how long should I expect to wait until I get a letter or notification of acceptance? Also, do you get an email or anything?</p>

<p>hy2731… I hear it is about a week or so for it to show up on your application status page.</p>

<p>hy2731 - I am pretty sure most of the acceptances have gone out on the weekends. So I would expect to see something on your page this Friday/Saturday</p>

<p>Yeah it seems like they have been giving answers every Friday/Friday night. If anyone who was accepted and got the packet in the mail is still reading this forum, how long after your status changed to accepted did you get your stuff in the mail? I’m worried because they have my school address and since I just got the Hokie bird a few days a again I’m assuming I’ll find out Friday which is the 20th and I’m our of school may 3rd so I dont know if I’ll get the packet in time… I guess I should change my info</p>

<p>Okay, so is it just me who still hasn’t got the bird yet!?!?
it seems like everyone elses got theirs but me and I AM SOOOO NERVOUS! :((</p>

<p>I submitted my application like second week of feb and handed my HS & current transcript to the admission office the day before deadline.
I have GPA of 3.74 at CC going for Interior Design.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard from tech going for interior design or arch?</p>

<p>I only realized the hokie bird a day or two before I got accepted and it was on a Saturday so just gonna back up everyone that says you usually find out on the weekend after receiving the bird!
@vega I applied to Landscape Architecture last year and found out really near May 1st (that I was rejected obviously haha) but they probably spend more time on A school applicants since it’s so competitive so I wouldn’t be surprised if you found out more towards the end.</p>

<p>@vega0926x There are like five of us here who haven’t heard back yet. I’m going for studio art, which is the closest thing to you on this forum- I think we’re both under the same college.</p>

<p>is there anyone who is a communications major who hasn’t gotten the hokie bird yet?</p>

<p>i don’t know if i can wait any longer…i know the official decision date is may 1st but so many people have already gotten accepted or at least gotten a hokie bird. i got asked for my midterm grades exactly two weeks ago…had my teachers send them in all by last week and my gpa is above what he said i needed to remain competitive and still no sign of anything…</p>

<p>i don’t know anymore</p>

<p>I’m with you jmugirl. I’m really really nervous and I still haven’t heard anything.</p>

<p>@jmugirl16 what gpa did they say you needed to be competitive?</p>

<p>a 3.0 and that was in the email asking for my midterm grades</p>

<p>I feel sorry to bring up this old but sensitive issue about ‘C’ grade again (i know its getting a bit annoying now) but as i posted earlier, i emailed the head of admission. I asked her different stuff (transcripts, summer classes etc) along with the ‘C’ grade policy. This is what she replied:</p>

<p>“Potentially a “C” could cause your offer to be revoked. However, if all other grades are good, it should not be a problem.”</p>

<p>So beware if you would have more than one ‘C’ and its actually possible to be rescinded. IMO each student will be considered separately in this matter (along with considering other facts).</p>

<p>Just wanted to share with y’all.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, DeFrockedX. As of right now, I pulled two of my C’s up to B-'s but I’m afraid finals will drop it back down to the ‘C’ area. Do you think if I were to get two C’s but have 2 A’s and 1 B that my acceptance would be revoked? This would leave me with a 3.0 GPA for this semster and a 3.3 overall. I’ve seen kids get accepted to the Business program with 3.1’s so I feel like it shouldn’t be an issue, however, you never know.</p>

<p>If anybody could give me any insight as to what they think/ know about my situation, I’d appreciate it.</p>

<p>And if this helps at all, I’ve yet to get anything below a ‘B’ in my first 3 semesters. I feel like it would be ridiculous to rescind for having 2 C’s overall in my first 2 years, but they could pull the whole ‘significant drop in grades’ factor on me.</p>

<p>3.70 last semester and I’ll likely get the same gpa this semester, too, yet still no Hokie Bird… Must be a lot of competition this year! GL everyone!</p>