Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>weenlove - I feel ya. 3.81 last semester and still nothing here</p>

<p>@VTtransfer7 In my opinion you should be alright. I mean it surely would be ridiculous to revoke someone’s admission just because of 2 'C’s. But then again we don’t know what they would think. They might look into other situations and review the application again.</p>

<p>I would love to know what happened in the last year regarding this issue. Does anybody have any info? </p>

<p>Currently i am having difficulties with the final official high school transcript. Since it was a overseas high school, its not possible for me to get it. I probably would have to be there, sign papers, and give pictures. I don’t have the money to fly there. Also i am taking classes. Considering all these matters, its totally impossible. So could anyone share any idea/insight on this particular issue? Much appreciated.</p>

<p>@weenlove2468, VTLupe311
Those are really good gpa’s. I have absolutely no idea about the competition but i sure did see people with lower gpa’s are accepted this year. I even saw someone posted at the very beginning of this thread that he got in with a 2.94 gpa!!!
Do you think the essays and the application profile info have to do anything with this?</p>

<p>I doubt it…my essays were pretty solid. I did only send in my application a few days early so I’m hoping that they just haven’t gotten around to my application yet. We’ll see this week hopefully</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten denied or wait listed after receiving the hokie bird?</p>

<p>GPA is obviously a big factor in the decision but it also has to do with your actual credits like if you have their core requirements like english, math, and science or if a lot of your credits even transfer because sometimes they might not even count as a credit class. So although GPA is important you also have to take the other stuff into consideration.</p>

<p>@hy2731 Not this year ( i don’t know about the previous years). If you get a hokie bird, it means you are in. Congrats</p>

<p>Has anyone called admissions about their application or if they can give you any type of information about it? I want to but I don’t really know what to say</p>

<p>Thank you. I guess I’m just a little stunned after getting wait listed to JMU I really didn’t think my chances for VT were that great. Best of luck to everyone else, I know first hand how hard the waiting can be. Just remember everything works out the way it’s supposed to! I got denied last year and was highly disappointed because almost all of my friends from HS go there. So, if you haven’t got the hokie bird yet don’t lose hope!</p>

<p>Just got a financial aid email which does make me think I got accepted. I hate waiting for the actual decision though…</p>

<p>congrats hy2731 that’s awesome (:</p>

<p>um i don’t mean to be annoying but for anyone who was asked to send in their midterm grades…did whoever emailed you asking for them ever email you back confirming that they received them and recorded them somewhere? because it’s been a few days and no one has emailed me back confirming and i feel like i’d be bothering them if i asked? what should i do? it’s just getting down to the wire and i wanna be sure…</p>

<p>I sent mine to an admissions lady who I met with on an an site admissions thing and was told to send my mid terms in March. She eventually replied after i sent her two emails for confirmation. But I emailed her a few days ago again about my mid terms and my application and she still hasn’t responded thats why I am tempted to call.</p>

<p>@Jmugirl— I never got a confirmation email…It can be a bit annoying if they don’t send you a confirmation email… However, I got the hokie bird a week and a half after they asked for my midterm grades. i would just say be a bit patient. If you have sent in your grades and they have received them, don’t worry about it, they know what they are doing… It was a brutal wait for me I know how your feeling… Hang in their… :)</p>

<p>@VTLupe311 what are your other stats?
Mine in full are basically:
High School UW GPA 3.24, W GPA 3.79
President of FBLA
SAT Total 2070 (730 Writing [I don’t think VT takes this into account], 690 Math, 650 Reading)</p>

<p>College GPA first semester 3.70
Vice President of my freshman class
Work for the school’s sound crew
I’m confident in my essays as well; if I’m rejected I highly doubt it was soley due to essay quality
I’m applying to Engineering, and received A’s in both of my computer science courses, as well as my Calculus courses.</p>

<p>Hang in there… =/</p>

<p>also, I’ve just realized I failed to include any of my EC’s from this past year of college on my application… I’m e-mailing them with my information now, hopefully it makes a difference</p>

<p>My stats are very similar. I had around a 3.8W in high school, 1320/1600 SAT’s and was involved in a few EC’s. I didn’t even see a spot on the application to list EC’s so I doubt it’s that huge of a deal. I still feel like both of us should get in…hopefully it’s just a matter of the admissions staff getting to review our applications soon. Good luck!</p>

<p>Admitted as an Animal and Poultry Sciences Major! Is anyone applying to the honors program?</p>

<p>Transfer615: did you just find out? I received the hokie bird yesterday, and a FASFA email today. Were these all things you got also?</p>

<p>As of Friday it will have been a month since I turned in my transcripts. I’m hoping to hear soon. ><</p>

<p>PainKiller2364…so i’m guessing emailing the admissions officer is out of the question? hahah waiting does suck, thank you for the advice though…i just wanna know by next friday and if that doesn’t happen then i don’t know what i’ll do with myself!</p>