Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>hy2731 that sounds like an acceptance to me haha congrats!</p>

<p>Thank you. Guess I just don’t understand why I haven’t been formally offered admission. But I guess time will tell!</p>

<p>Hi yall,</p>

<p>If you haven’t heard back don’t worry I think the latest they said when I talked to them was May 1
Hokie bird had been sitting on top of my profile for a while, even before I got the good news; I didn’t know it was good luck
I just got my acceptance thing online last week for the Liberal Arts school
Almost all of you have better stats than I</p>

<p>I have a 2.8 right now from first semester freshman year and that are the only grades they had from me, I sent in no midterms no nothing</p>

<p>I’m sure you all would get in, I didn’t even know that I got in until I got an email that congratulated me and invited me to some ‘transfers in the know’ session</p>

<p>Honestly I didn’t even think I would get into Tech even though I’m instate, look at my gpa</p>

<p>Good luck to you all, and I can’t wait to see the rest of yall on campus next semester!</p>

<p>Hey guys my friend who is also applying for tech got a charge for underage drinking this fall. He was never convicted but do you think he still has a shot of getting in? His gpa for the 1st semester was a 3.5 and he is a business major. He’s pretty worried so I thought I’d see if anyone knew. Thanks guys!</p>

<p>@jse6189 I’ve been very anxious while waiting for a decision and starting to lose hope but your post honestly makes me feel a lot better. Thank you</p>

<p>jse6189 that makes me feel a lot better, I still haven’t gotten the hokie bird and cumulatively I think I have only like a 2.9 or something, :\ but congrats to you, very lucky! hopefully I have some luck sent my way too</p>

<p>@jse6189 - Thanks for your positiveness! I was getting a bit anxious, though I still have absolutely no clue if my chances are good by this point. But I guess patience is a virtue, and maybe no sign of the bird by this late in April can’t mean it’s bad… but we’ll see… :confused: I might be just worried at the fact that I haven’t taken my math credit yet (though I mentioned I would be taking some classes during the summer). So. Nervous. </p>

<p>Are you finishing up your second semester like me?</p>

<p>Same boat as you. I don’t have a math credit either, well I am taking one this semester but my last calc grade wont transfer. But yeah, I think it as- no news is good news?</p>

<p>I’m taking my first math credit right now, and they seem to be okay with it. But I’m an art major so it’s not so important. @kelc10 They might give you an elective credit for that calc class. I have some credits that don’t transfer and was told when I visited the campus that they can transfer it as an elective.</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity… when did you send in your applications? I literally sent mine the day before the extended deadline, so maybe that’s why my decision is delayed?</p>

<p>I’m trying to figure out if they make these decisions based on major, current school, date of application submission…? Well, I guess school is out of the question, since I go to an NVCC school, but I don’t know…</p>

<p>I sent in my application on 2/13, and my midterms were in by 3/22. I thought my late midterms were why it was taking so long. I’m also at an NVCC but it’s my first semester there. I did over a year at another school.</p>

<p>I sent mine all January 9th. Still NOTHING.</p>

<p>I sent mine end of january and midterm grades beginning of march. I meant my calc grade was a C- so it wont transfer :frowning: but yeah when i met with an admissions person it seemed okay that i was taking math 151 right now. I feel like for all of who havent heard we have similar situations so thats probably why we havent heard anything.</p>

<p>I also am taking my first math credit this semester. It’s math 151 in VCCS. Still haven’t heard a official result but I have a hokie bird, and yesterday I found out how much financial aid I would receive for the 12-13 school year.</p>

<p>when did you get your hokie bird?</p>

<p>I got a hokie bird on Monday, financial aid email Tuesday, and then a financial aid award on my application on Wednesday.</p>

<p>Just got the bird!!</p>

<p>@hy2731 I got an acceptance envelope in the mail about a week after I got the bird</p>

<p>Was there any change in your application status page? And did you receive a financial aid award before you found out you were accepted?</p>

<p>Congrats @dgol123! Stats?</p>