Virginia Tech FA/12 Transfer

<p>Once I received the envelope in the mail, I checked my application status page and it says this:</p>

<p>Offered Admission
You may accept our offer of admission by paying the $400 matriculation deposit either online by eCheck or by printing, completing, and mailing a response form with your check or money order as directed below.</p>

<p>Hmmm… Well I got the hokie bird on Monday, and then on wednesday I was offered a financial aid award for the 12/13 school year. I called the financial aid office & they said they only offer it to those who have already been accepted, but when I talked to admissions, they said my application was still under review. I am just really confused. But hopefully time will tell!</p>


<p>Applied as General Engineering
GPA: 3.35 after 3 semesters but had As in Physics I and II, Calculus I,II,III, English I and II and Computer Science I,II,III and Bs in all my others. </p>

<p>All the stuff regarding my application was turned in by Jan 21st.</p>

<p>Hope that helps give you some perspective.</p>

<p>Thank you thank you!</p>

<p>i wonder if there’s any hope of them giving out hokie birds tomorrow? i feel like if they sent you a rejection letter on may 1st that would be the most cruel thing ever haha</p>

<p>I almost feel like if we were going to get rejected it might have happened already. Maybe they’re just debating over us/working on our credits. Personally I have a lot of credits for them to review at this point, since I’ll be coming in as a Junior. I think a lot of rejections (like to people with GPA’s below 2.5) have gone out already.
The key word here being “think”.
And HOPE.</p>

<p>Do you know anyone who has been rejected yet?</p>

<p>One or two people on this forum mentioned that someone got rejected a few weeks ago, but that it wasn’t a shock because they met none of VT’s criteria. They had under a 2.5.
I feel like I’m hogging the board- sorry for posting so much. I’m just tied to my computer refreshing my VT page for a hokie and this page for news.</p>

<p>I think everyone’s in the same boat as you, lol. The people in the first non-CC wave were extremely lucky considering VT was concentrating on Freshmen apps for a really long time… My guess is there will be waves every Friday until May 1st, and that’s where most of you (and 80% of transfer apps in general lol) will go; you all have great stats, it’s only a matter of time!</p>

<p>that’s exactly how I feel. I’m pretty sure we would have gotten rejected already instead of having them prolong it this long…but who knows</p>

<p>I just got my acceptance, thank god</p>

<p>You’re all making me giddy with your positivity! It’s bad, cause I don’t want to get my hopes up too high. Hahaha! Though, my screen name is true to what I feel at the moment… so we’ll see. ;)</p>

<p>So… any news on a new wave of decisions coming soon? Preferably around my birthday, 'cause that would be IDEAL. :slight_smile: haha</p>

<p>No worries, ya’ll still have two more weeks to get hokie birds, and if you already have one your in, you just have to wait for the acceptance letter. </p>

<p>Who ever looks at this next year when they are trying to transfer to tech will have a lot more information than we did from kids last year haha. That thread was like 20 pages, we will probably have like 80 by may 1st. Haha</p>

<p>Accepted last night :slight_smile: good luck to everyone. Don’t lose hope!!</p>


<p>Congratsssss… Wow what a looooong wait for you guys… :)</p>

<p>Nothing for me. Two friends of a friend got in this morning. Both have been at GMU for 2 years and have around a 3.3/3.5.</p>

<p>still nothing :confused: i go to gmu now and have a 3.5</p>

<p>Someone help me out, I just took a credit exam and earned some credits, should I email them about this new bit of information or is that redundant by this point?</p>

<p>Hello! I have been following this thread for a while and finally decided to register. I just wanted to remind everyone still waiting to keep hope. And I was hoping we could talk about the transfer evaluations, etc…</p>

<p>I applied Feb 16th as a transfer from APSU, which is in TN. My highschool GPA was pretty awful, 29 on the ACT, failed my first two semesters of college completely… After that I brought my GPA back up to a 3.7. I’m currently a junior majoring in Sociology. So if there are blemishes on your record, don’t worry about it! I think they just want to see improvement and ability… I saw the Hokie yesterday and today my status page changed to show the matriculation fee. </p>

<p>I was wondering if anyone who has gotten in has a completed transfer evaluation? And if so, did they accept a lot/most of your credits?</p>