Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

About $14K tuition per year and $11K per year room and board. Then books, travel, etc.

With fees and chosen major surcharge I have it around $31-32,000 depending on the dorm and meal plan choice for 23-24.

ahh… yep, that’s right… couldn’t remember exactly how much the meal plans were so about $14K for room and board and $14-16k for tuition and fees.

Was hoping you were right :smile:

Me too… lol. I’m happy with in-state tuition but it’s crazy to think that in-state prices are still >$30k per year.

Same here. Deposit at 2nd choice is in, and we are happy with that choice, but if he comes off VT WL, Hokies all the way!

2 weeks before the deposit deadline! Do we think we will see movement on the waitlist at 5pm today?

Anything is possible - I wouldn’t hold my breath though.

Past indications notwithstanding, I wouldn’t expect to see any movement from any waitlist (not just VT) until after 5/1.

Just curious, but are waitlist acceptances like they do regular acceptances - like a group will get accepted Friday 5 pm, for example? Or do they have “rolling” acceptances, so you could get one at any time of day during the week? Do they do them in batches or what?

I am really sad but my daughter declined her spot at VT. I hope it helps someone here. I don’t see many on the W/L for her major though which is math.

Anyone else have a student on the waitlist for the Architecture program? They admit so few students each Fall, I’m wondering if there’s any hope!

I’m a biochem major waiting for the waitlist, does anyone know the past for college of agriculture getting alot of spots on the waitlist?

Yes, DS is on the waitlist for Architecture. Pretty much every Architecture program is in the same situation with such restricted admission counts (UMass enrolls ~30, Penn State ~60). I would think the size of the program also makes it difficult for the school to predict enrollment and wouldn’t be surprised at all if they pull from the waitlist but how many kids are on it and by what criteria do they pick kids from it…

We’ve moved forward with evaluating our other options and put zero hope on VT but will be interesting how much of a conversation we need to have if they come with an offer.

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Unless someone had inside information the school doesn’t publish that granular of a statistic.

Their most logical approach to a waitlist is they have have applicants that for all intents and purposes meet the criteria to attend VT but got squeezed out out for other slightly better candidates (whatever better means in the eyes of VT!). They want to have a sufficient cross section of demographics on the WL (M/F, IS/OOS, White/BIPOC, etc) and within each program. So for example if they get a higher than expected % of OOS, Black, Male decline admission to Computer Science they can go back to the WL with that focus.

My son follows VT Admissions on Instagram and Twitter and said they just posted the newest episode of their podcast (Admissions Accomplished). He said if they go to the waitlist, they said to expect pulls to begin around May 1 as has been said above. I would assume if they were going to start pulling sooner than that they would’ve said so, so I guess kids shouldn’t hold their breath hoping for movement in the next 2 weeks. I know that’s easier said than done if their heart is still set on being a Hokie. Mine checks his portal several times a day and there’s nothing I can say or do to get him excited about his #2 which he did commit to. He reluctantly went to their admitted students day, but he’s holding out hope for VT until he hears the waitlist is officially closed. As much as I want the rest of senior year to go by slowly, I can’t wait to have closure one way or another!


My daughter is the same! Checks her emails constantly and logs into the portal multiple times a day “just in case she missed something”. And same about her #2. Not excited AT ALL. What is your son’s #2, just curious… Hers is WVU. Not where she wants to go.

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Have you had any conversations with the AO’s about possibly doing a CC for a year and a transfer in? If my DS was very down on their #2 and I thought it was risking putting him in a failure type situation I’d be considering that as a potential solution. I’m sure your son would likely ever be less enthusiastic about the CC but with the carrot of VT for year 2-4 it could take the sting off.


@Stayinpositive17 @Mashinations We discussed the community college route to VT and it’s not something he’s willing to consider. His #2 where he got in EA is JMU. They had a great presentation for their pre law program and for his major on admitted students day. His sister is a junior there and loves it. But he can’t get past the fact that everything he’s done over the last 2 years was specifically with one goal in mind- VT. It’s the only school he’s ever wanted to go to. He just loves the campus and was excited about his major after going to the departmental information session last year. All we can all do now is wait and hope for the best. I imagine our kids will be fine wherever they end up, it’s just hard right now. Again good luck everyone!


Where did you find information regarding how many students were waitlisted for your daughter’s major?

I believe she meant she hopes her daughter declining helps someone here as in here on this forum but she doesn’t think there are other math majors here.