Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Have seen nothing about anyone getting off WL yet. I wouldn’t expect to see anything until mid April at the earliest as they start to get a sense on where they might be on 5/1 and if no one has gotten a call as of 5/1 I wouldn’t be overly surprised either.


From looking at last year’s thread it seems as though there was some movement towards the end of April.



I understand that the Waitlist FAQs state that you cannot change your major while on the waitlist. However, I am wondering if my child can request a change from ‘Undecided’? When she applied she was not still unsure and decided to go with Undecided, but now she has made up her mind.

A question better directed to the Admissions Officer for you daughter (since they would need to be the ones to update it anyhow).

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Any movement on VT Waitlist for Fall of 2023 yet?

Based on past years (VT and other schools) - check back mid-May. Schools are going to wait to see what kind of yield they get on their acceptances which won’t happen until after the 5/1 deposit deadline.

Based on reviewing last year’s thread, some kids started getting off the WL starting 4/15, so definite possibility of it being in April.


Haven’t heard from VA Tech, which is my S’s #1, but accepted off the waitlist at CO School of Mines. Sharing in case this helps anyone also waiting on Mines. S is Engineering OOS for both schools.


Late to this thread but when are we anticipating to hear about the waitlist?

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@cat1210 no one knows, but as you can see from previous posts last year some started coming off mid to end of April.

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What are the odds of getting off the waitlist for psychology majors? I’m trying to be hopeful but don’t have a good feeling.

I think it’s impossible to predict waitlist odds with the record number of applications VT received this year not to mention it seems like everyone we know is on the waitlist. I’m trying to get my son excited about his #2 choice but he doesn’t want to go anywhere else but VT. I know many kids feel this way. Good luck!


My son already committed to another school since getting off the VT waitlist is not guaranteed. IF we do hear from VT, it’ll be interesting to see what my son does. Good luck to everyone!


We are in the exact same situation, my son seems very excited about his current choice though, but he also wants to stay on the VT waiting list… it will be interesting to see what he does…

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My daughter is NOT happy with her choice. She was waitlisted at a couple of her top choices, we are currently on “plan D” and not excited. We’ve put the deposit down just so she has a place to go, but she is honestly considering community college if VT doesn’t come through. Being in limbo in April is not fun!!

I’ve known a couple of kids to go that route, and all of them are pretty happy now, so it does work out.


My son was pleasantly surprised to see what a great fit School #2 is so IF VT doesn’t work out, he’ll be happy at school #2. IMO school #2 is a better fit for him, but VT is a better fit for my wallet!:joy::joy:


Us too. VT (if admitted and accepted) would save us 8-10k a year. Just out of curiosity, what was your son’s 2nd choice? Our son is currently going with UMass Amherst for Civil Engineering.

How much is VT instate? My son committed to the University of Pittsburgh for CS! It’s direct admit to the CS program which my son really liked, as VT does not directly admit to CS unless you obtain a 3.0 gpa. The CS programs are comparable, both schools equidistant to our house. But that instate tuition, though! lol. My son will heavily consider VT IF he gets off the waitlist.

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