Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

Thank you.

I hope you get in!

Did anyone hear about admission offers to waitlisted cadidates?

Do waitlisted students have a chance of receiving merit aid if/when they are accepted?

It has been crickets. Looks like they really changed the waitlist notifications this year and are waiting till after May1st. Last 2 years I know of folks who got off the waitlist especially non Engg majors as early as Apr 15th.

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My son is BIT cyber and not sure how competitive is that major. Last year I didnt see any instate acceptance for this major from waitlist… fingers crossed !

any ideas when they’ll start pulling from the waitlist? I am a biological sciences major…is there any hope left or should I keep my expectations low?

VT doesn’t give much (and in most cases nothing) in the way of Merit aid anyhow. Unless you get one of the larger competitive scholarships most generic merit awards I’ve seen are in the ~$3K range - and I would expect that kids coming in through Waitlist are unlikely to see any offers of those.

Expectations should be low for ANYONE on WL - regardless of major.

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My son declined Virginia Tech engineering yesterday. Hopefully this will open up a spot for someone on the wait list. We are out of state and he had better financial offers from schools that rank with and above Virginia Tech in engineering. I know it was a difficult decision for him to decline VT. He had a great visit a month or so ago.

Good luck everyone!


There are probably a lot of people like us that haven’t declined any acceptances, and will just let them expire on May 1st. Unfortunately that means the schools need to wait until after May 1st to know just how many will be needed from the waitlist, if any. Good luck to all those waiting but set reasonable expectations.


Wow!! Did you just say “state schools are after OOS applicants and it’s unfortunate they are not taking care of their own instate applicants”??? Taking care?? Wow!!!

ALL SCHOOLS should be looking for the best/most qualified students and not worried about “taking care” of someone’s son/daughter. Tough life lesson, huh? If an OOS applicant gets accepted instead of your child (due to being more qualified) maybe VTech is not the right school for her/him….time to step up the game!!

Looking for feedback on chemical engineering admit off waitlist for son. VT is Only school he applied for chem engineering major. He applied at others for Biochemistry as major. He can’t change majors now, but if admitted off waitlist may decide to! Hoping we here sooner rather than later.

This wait is brutal!!!

any idea if there will be movement on the waitlist today??

Looking for feedback on business major. My daughter is waitlisted at VT for Business Undecided. VT is her first choice. She got into Indiana University - Kelley Business school which was her second choice. She accepted the offer there as she got some 6K scholarship for each year. But her heart is set on VT as its closer to home and she has most of her friends going there along with other factors like proximity and instate tuition . She still wants to see if she can get off the waitlist. Wanted to reach out to bigger group here on suggestions on which college would be better for business.

Do you truly think schools take the most qualified applicants? The process is incredibly subjective, and each school has their own institutional priorities that guide their enrollment decisions. It’s very misguided to think that “the best students” get in and others need to up their game. It’s a fact that for many programs at VT, the acceptance rate for OOS students is much higher. They need the OOS tuition dollars to help with their budgets. Taxpayers in VA help support the University system, so I can understand folks being salty about OOS students potentially displacing in-state ones. I have no dog in this fight - my Hokie is OOS from NC, where their public schools are capped by law at only 18% of enrollment made up of OOS students. Whereas VT is often easier to get into for OOS students, it’s the exact opposite in NC.


My son is also a DA to Kelley but WL at VT for business. We are in-state for VA. It really does seem like VT is favoring OOS $$ over our kids.


If you know you are not going to attend a particular school, you should decline the spot as soon as you decide so the school can plan and, more importantly, any spots on the waitlist can potentially open up for those kids who have a waitlist school as their number 1. For those on a waitlist for a number 1 school, it can be agonizing.


Should see some movement this week!