Virginia Tech Fall 2023 Waitlist

I really would not be optimistic about waitlist movement this year.

FWIW - there’s no guarantee of any movement at all. Past years may not be indicative of this year. WL is a back-up plan for the college in case they get a lower than anticipated yield.

Sorry to sound like such a downer - but that’s the reality. It’s 5/1 and deposits are due so I’m sure all colleges will be trying to figure out admittance and yield and such.

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I hope there’s movement off the waiting list soon. I’m choosing to stay optimistic.


Same!!! :pray:t4:

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I agree staying positive is always good! And last year lots of my friends got off around may 4th ish:))


My son has decided that he wants to go the Communications route with a minor in General Business (regardless if here or elsewhere). Any idea if he should communicate this to Admissions? He is currently waitlisted for General Business. Thank you.

I guess technically he is waitlisted for Business (Undecided), I think Gen Business is only a minor.

They willnt look at your sons application with the new major but he can change it if he gets off the waitlist!

Any idea how competitive the wait list is for criminal justice?

FYI, for those waiting on quick decision. I was told when we visited in February they would not start assessing the wait list until after May 1 and then they would go back and reevaluate all the kids on the wait list from scratch before starting offers.

Could take several weeks because lots of kids don’t remove themselves from wait list even though they are going to other schools - which is terrible. So they have to weed through some of those on wait lists that don’t want to attend.

I’m glad to hear that admissions staff told you they wouldn’t start moving students off the waiting list until after May 1. This seems different in years past so it’s nice to know they probably haven’t started yet. Any bit of hope is good!

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Do they email the Students individually asking if they wish to enroll if taken off the waitlist?

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I wish Tech would consider the Corps of Cadet applicants separately from the regular student body. My daughter was waitlisted, accepted to The Citadel and VMI (current choice if not pulled from waitlist). She has strong academics and extra curriculars but to be lumped in with the regular student body just doesn’t seem fair. On the application there’s only one box to check if the student “would be interested” in joining the Corps of Cadets. She wrote an email of continued interest to the Corps of Cadets shortly after being waitlisted with no reply.

Wow I didn’t realize this! I though the Corp of Cadets would be separated for sure! I agree with you, that doesn’t seem very fair.
Good luck to your daughter - she’s got great options for sure!


How do you mean separated? I would think they’re separated in the same way someone applying to Engineering is separate from someone who applied to Business Management.

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In my opinion The Corps of Cadets should not be considered a major or extra curricular activity. With a commissioning rate into the military of over 70% on average, these kids are serving after graduation. They aren’t just attending class like the rest, they have a structured daily schedule with additional rigor. So, no, they should not be lumped into the regular student body for acceptance consideration.

At a VTCC info session they said that being a VTCC applicant is considered and tips the scale in favor of admission. However, they also said to get the application in early (not ED but definitely EA) and before the Thanksgiving break because even though it is not rolling admissions they do make decisions as the applications come in so the earlier the better.

The university is looking to fill specific programs. That’s the point of them saying that the waitlist is not ranked. There is no “regular student body for acceptance”. If they’re looking to fill say 100 Corps of Cadets into the class and they accept 200 anticipating a 50% yield and the yield is lower than expected they go back to the “pool” looking for someone else for Corps of Cadets (in addition to whatever other program/demographic/region) to pull from the WL.


UVA’s Dean J just posted a waitlist update on her instagram and admissions blog. I really hope VT does the same to give applicants a sense of IF and when they will begin to make initial waitlist offers. For those hanging in the balance, it would be very welcome news to just hear something, anything!


We haven’t even seen an email asking to stay on the WL. Most schools have done that already.

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You have to fill out the form in your tech portal it was due before may 1st