Virginia Tech In State Tuition

<p>Hi, I recently got off the waitlist and am planning on attending the school. However I live OOS and am trying to get IS tuition because my dad recently changed jobs and now works in VA and commutes everyday. I read in many places and on the form for IST application that he has to of made at least $10,300, which he has done. I just want to know if there is any of other catch or requirment to qualify because I don't know if I would be able to attend if it does not work out. Any insight on the attaining in state tuition would be appreciated. Thank you.</p>

<p>[Virginia</a> Residency | Applying to Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Virginia”></p>

<p>You need to establish residency in VA to qualify for In-state tuition. So basically if your Dad WORKS in VA but doesn’t live there, you won’t qualify at all. Even if you did qualify as a VA resident, you probably wouldn’t get In-state tuition for your first year, since there needs to be a 1 year continuous period of residency.</p>