Virginia Tech notification date

<p>congrats, I'm still waiting to hear from them. I have the current info box but not the evaluation section. Have any other transfers heard yet?</p>

<p>abc no, but I have the same info as you. I applied deadline... what about u</p>

<p>i just got in, im a transfer and applied a few days before the deadline!</p>

<p>Hey! I got notified for acceptance right after midnight and I'm a transfer student. I applied back in January. I'm transferring from GWU with a 3.7 GPA. By the end of this semester, I will have completed 33 credits.</p>

<p>congrats, when did you guys receive the current program box? I'm still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>I don't have anything yet. This is making me even more nervous...</p>

<p>I am still waiting to hear myself, 3.64, after summer all pre's met minus maybe an art or music class. Have no clue??? I sent an email (won't hear till Monday or Tuesday Probably)to ask if rejections are provided on a rolling basis as accepts are. This way I can at least know if I should move on at this point. KIT guys. </p>

<p>ABC and Teach when did you guys apply and what school are you trying to get into?</p>

<p>I applied in late December and my transcripts got there before the deadline. I'm in my first year witha 4.0 so far, in the honors academy. Two extracurriculars. Took two honors classes last semester and two this semester. Trying to get into the college of Communications. I know that's kind of a streatch because it's a capped major, but I figured that with my improvement they wouldn't mind accepting me. </p>

<p>Unless I got rejected, I have to wonder which direction this admissions is rolling.</p>

<p>I agree teach. I feel like if we haven't heard we may be rejected, and they may not send those out at the same time. I contacted them and they emailed back today, which I thought was strange, them being there on a Saturday. They said that my app status would not change now until a decision was made and that would be by May 1. I asked if I was still being considered, they really did not answer. I feel like all the decisions for accept. may have been handed out, but who knows</p>

<p>They did say "by May 1st" still, so you know, maybe they haven't gotten to us yet. They're probably just swamped right now, and they never give real answers anyway from what I've expereinced. (This is my second time applying there). Seriously, if they're in the office today then they're probably not done with their decisions yet.</p>

<p>Hope your right bro. Good point about being in the office today</p>

<p>Still haven't heard anything, I'm starting to get nervous...We will probably find out this coming week. I applied a couple weeks before the deadline.</p>

<p>me 3 abc.........</p>

<p>Are any of you guys currently freshman transfers who are enrolling for their sophmore year, or are most of you all just sophmores transferring?</p>

<p>I'm a freshman, and in a 4 year which I guess is to my disadvantage.</p>


<p>Abc1 - I got the "Current Program Box" about one and a half weeks ago. When I got that box though, I also got "Your Transfer Credit Evaluation may be complete" on the top of my application summary page. I think if you get that on your page, you may get notified for offered admission soon. This is my guess though, not fact.</p>

<p>orbital11 - I'm a freshman transfer who is enrolling for their sophomore year. </p>

<p>I don't think you guys should get too worried. They have a lot of applications this year and are giving out transfer notifications on a rolling basis until May 1st. My friend transferred last year to Virginia Tech from Radford into Virginia Tech's College of Communications. She got her notification in the middle of April.</p>

<p>I wish you guys the best of luck.</p>

<p>You have NO IDEA how much I appreciate what you said. That definitely helped me relax a bit. Thank you for the insight!</p>

<p>Yeah here is hoping I am still a bit worried. I have had the current program info since the 10th of March, so I am not feeling to good about it. Appears everyone who got that who were admitted also received the evaluation info. I have not received the eval info so I am guessing I am not getting in. Amazing, 3.64 with over 60 credits. Unreal, oh well guess I will apply to UVA next year</p>

<p>I got the "Current Program" section about a week and a couple days ago. I don't have the "Evaluation" section though. I know some kids do not have the "Current Program" box though so I guess that's good news to have it. Can't be a bad thing.</p>

<p>Fair point ABC, I am trying to stay positive. Looks like you and I are in the same boat. What are you applying to? Well no I guess it is better to have it than not...</p>

<p>Teach did ya get the current program yet?</p>