Virginia Tech notification date

<p>Parent2009. Nobody has said straight up yet but has been implied - more instate females than males and many out of state kids( M and F) seem to have had good success with admission to Virginia Tech this year. .That is great and all the best! High SAT instate males seem to be a dime a dozen . Son was always looking at instate schools as his best option even before the economy tanked.</p>

<p>Sevmom, regardless of gender most colleges emphasize grades and classes over SATs -- even schools that go straight by the numbers like Tech -- and are going to pick a kid with a 1260 over a kid with a 1360 if the kid with the 1260 has taken 10 APs and never gotten below a B in her life while the kid with the 1360 has a more checkered transcript. This is especially true if the kid with the 1360 is applying for engineering and the kid with the 1260 is applying to arts and letters. If you're going to compare your son with others, it should be limited to others applying to the engineering school.</p>

<p>"Thanks msc, do all transfer applicants receive the current program box? And when will transfers find out? Thanks. "</p>

<p>ABC- yes all transfers have that box (at least I did). Tech says you should find out around may 1st, but it may be sooner, as was the case for me with both Tech and JMU. Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm a Tech transfer and I don't have that box >:(</p>

<p>Parent2009. I hear you. However, your " happy to be accepted but will not attend" rubbed the wrong way. Many schools like to look at the whole picture.</p>

<p>Sev gender does play a role when it is a traditionally male dominated course of study. It is a shame, and highly unfair, but it does happen. To say that plays little part is an out right lie. (I know you did not say that)</p>

<p>Keith, I never did say that females were not important to Tech and certainly do not think that females that were accepted did not deserve to be accepted. Sorry if there was any confusion on that. Older son is in engineering at UVa and his father(is) and grandfather (was) an engineer as well. So glad to see more women in engineering. However, not all of the women at Tech are in engineering. Tech needs women to keep the M/F attendance numbers from not getting too lopsided. Just as William and Mary , JMU and Mary Washington probably need guys. My guess is that guys may have an advantage in admissions at W and M(all things being equal). There does seem to be anecdotal evidence of this. We did think that son would be moved from engineering pool to general pool if he did not make engineering qualifications but he seems to have remained waitlisted for engineering. He obvioulsy will not get off a 2800 person waitlist! All the best to those at Virginia Tech. It is a great school!</p>

<p>No you did not, but the other person attempted to downplay the role it plays. </p>

<p>I was unaware of the information you just provided so I appreciate you educating me!!</p>


<p>You're wrong about that. I totally agree that gender plays a role when it comes to college admissions in general and in majors like engineering in particular. What I took exception to was sevmom's suggestion that a male applicant with a 1360 on the SAT is better (or even equally as) qualified as a female applicant with a 1260 when the female can point to a consistently stronger four-year academic record in what also appears to be a stronger courseload (10 AP classes taken in one of the best public schools in NOVA). The research is pretty clear that high school grades are a better predictor of performance in college than SATs and that's why most colleges favor grades over SATs. </p>

<p>It's also worth noting that Tech's admissions numbers for boys versus girls aren't that far apart -- unlike, say, William and Mary where boys are clearly heavily favored.</p>

<p>Okay I apologize for misinterpreting that.</p>

<p>Very confused, parent, I never said son was more qualified or deserving of admission than your daughter. In fact, I was acknowledging that he was one of I'm sure many guys that applied and was in fact waitlisted as obviously there were others considered more qualified. In terms of research, there is also research that suggests that boys and girls learning styles tend to be different. Also, that grades in high school are certainly not the only determinate of success. That is why all of the top schools favor an holistic approach to admissions. All the best to you and your daughter.</p>

<p>msc, were you accepted after receiving the current program section on your status page?</p>

<p>abc, I have current info section as well as the evaluation section top of my status page. I see my credit hours has been evaluated. but still didn't hear anything from VT yet. by the way i'm also a transfer student</p>

<p>kinoh, I have the current info section that reads: undergrad, fall 2009, blacksburg, but not the evaluation section. Do you know when we are supposed to hear and if the current info section is good news?</p>

<p>According to the admin office the current info does not matter or is not important, I am not sure though. I tend to think it matters, but it may not. </p>

<p>I asked the admin office when transfers would be notified, and I was told it is on a rolling basis, but no later than May 1</p>

<p>oh my god!!!!!!!!
I'm in!!! I'm going to VT for fall 09!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>Congrats kinoh!! And enjoy!</p>

<p>Thank you zimmer..
I had gpa of 3.3
applied around week before the deadline
if that helps any</p>

<p>kinoh, where did you apply from? And how did you find out from Tech?</p>

<p>I applied from Tcc one of virginia communit[y college.
I have completed 30 credits and currently taking 13 credit hours.
I found out this morning when i checked on my status page.
under the application date right below admission type, there was a decision section and it said offered admission congratulations! haha</p>