Virginia Tech or William and Mary?

<p>I am a high school senior, and am choosing between William and Mary and Virginia Tech. I am a very extroverted person, and would like to go to a school which allows me lots of opportunities for fun -both on campus and in the surrounding area. I want to be a doctor, so opinions regarding the science or medical programs are wonderful. Any feedback is appreciated; I have around two weeks to decide. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi jesusandjazz,
Congrats on two great choices for schools. Aside from the difference in size and WM’s LAC feel, you really couldn’t go wrong either way. Have you visited both? I think your “fun” requirement is capable of being filled at either school, with maybe having more opportunities for outdoor-type adventures outside Blacksburg with the mountains, lakes and the New River at your doorstep. </p>

<p>There is a different feel to the campuses, small, historical, beautiful at WM and rural, spacious, beautiful at VT. As far as the academic side, you are going to be challenged at either school but the academic standards, especially in the sciences at WM, have always been thought of as being some of the hardest in the state. Tech is tough, too, but probably not as hard at WM. You’ll have smaller classes at WM most likely, but will you learn more? It will, as it always does, depend on the professor. I don’t know how many TA’s are involved in VT’s sciences, but you probably know WM doesn’t have them. The funny thing is, though, my son had one for one of his (non-science) classes at VT and the guy was an incredible teacher, so there is that. </p>

<p>There is the draw of what some consider to be the total undergrad experience with Tech. The big, strong alumni base of Hokies is legendary. The sports programs and their supporters are incredible. WM has some great programs, too, but on a smaller scale. Its student body as a whole doesn’t have the reputation for being quite as involved with its sports teams at Tech’s. Should that be the deciding factor? No, but to some it is important. </p>

<p>I would think that the science program at VT is going to continue to improve and draw more talented pre-med students with the opening of the Carillon Medical School. However, WM has a tremendous med school placement if you can stick it out. </p>

<p>Well, I have probably muddied the “which school?” waters with this post! I do think that pima of bulletandpima made a great point on another thread. You have to take into account how you will feel living at either place 24/7. Being a student involves so much more than just your time in the classroom. Good luck with choosing which is right for you!</p>

<p>KandKsmom is right on. D is in at Tech and UVA (both engineering) and is leaning UVA since she just likes the feel of the campus. Both have great engineering schools, active alumni, etc. It really comes down to where you think you want to go and would fit best. Good luck!</p>