Virginia Tech Transfer 2013

<p>hey everyone!! i decided to be the one to start the Facebook group! haha </p>

<p>the link is here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

Okay then. Thanks.</p>


<p>@hokiehoping Don’t worry- you are in! I’ve done this so many times and a hokie is always a sign you’re in. They only way you can not be admitted now is to get a D in a class you are taking- and even then you could still get in if you had a good reason, like a family death or major illness that led to the bad grade.</p>

<p>i’m worried…i applied back in january and still haven’t heard. i had a 3.5 in HS and like a 3.7 my freshman year of college. am i getting denied?</p>

<p>@rottenapples Don’t worry, they had all my stuff beginning or January also and I haven’t heard back anything, no hokie bird either, Ill have a 3.6 for my whole freshman year also, we have until may!</p>

<p>thank you for the reassurance, hopefully they tell us soon!</p>

<p>It’s nerve racking but don’t worry we will all be just fine!</p>

<p>Basically, I applied in January and received an email from a someone directly in admissions, saying that they wanted my mid-semester grades before making a final decision about my application. I worked my butt off and sent my grades a few days ago: 4 A’s and a B (but its very close to an A…almost there!) </p>

<p>Anyone else have to do this?? I dont know if it’s a good or bad thing!!!?</p>

<p>@mollymcb I’m in the exact same situation, they asked for my mid semester grades mid Jan. I sent them 5 A’s and a B a couple weeks ago but haven’t heard anything besides a confirmation that they got my grades. My initial email said they wanted to “confirm” my progress so im taking that as a positive. I think you should be fine, I see it as if they weren’t seriously considering you they wouldn’t ask for your grades</p>


<p>I think we are both emailing different people. I have a friend who had to do the same thing except he is applying for engineering and I want to study human development. My lady hasn’t sent me anything back yet saying she received my grades and I sent them on Friday. Also, mine didn’t really say anything about a confirmation. It said, “more information is needed before making a final decision”. Also, I didn’t need to have any official type of email sent in by any professor. I sent her an email asking her the format in which she wanted the grades and she said I didnt need to send anything directly from a professor, I can just send her a list of grades. It seemed almost too easy, but I had good grades anyway so it didn’t really matter. Does any of this sound similar to you? Im so glad someone else on here is in the same boat as me! Also, did you apply for summer?</p>

<p>Update: Got a response today, but the only thing it said was “Thanks, Molly.”</p>

<p>So of course now I’m freaking out over that hahahah oh my gosh the waiting game SUCKS.</p>

<p>calm down and focus on this semester’s work. Once your app is in, all you can do is hope…and send in supporting materials.
Good luck.</p>

<p>Hey guys freshman at 4 year private university, I had a 3.74 first semester with 15 credits and im taking 16 credits this semester, i applied to pamplin. all of my stuff was in before Feb 1 and I havent gotten a hokie bird or anything and they asked me to send my midterm grades today. Can you guys chance me and my school doesnt have unofficial transcripts so should i just list out my classes and tell them my current grade unofficially? thanks!</p>

<p>I had to do the same thing, but we are probably emailing different people because you are trying to get into Pamplin. Ask your representative what they want you to send them. I didn’t need to send anything official from my professors, but you may have to so send a reply to the email asking how they want you to send them. Hope that helped! Best wishes :)</p>

<p>Ok thanks! When is the next wave??</p>

<p>Last year lots of Hokie birds appeared between March 23rd and April 4th.</p>

<p>i got the bird yesterday!</p>

<p>@mollymcb i received an email yesterday about the same thing. mine was from Christopher St. Jean (assistant director of admissions). He then emailed me saying “Keep up the good work”… shortly after, i received the Hokie Bird. Good luck!</p>


<p>Just got the hokie bird!..@pball12 check!</p>