Virginia Tech Transfer 2013

<p>Yeah don’t worry! That was only the first wave, there are 2 more I believe.</p>

<p>Did anyone apply for summer II? I think you’re supposed to be notified a bit earlier when you apply for a summer session.</p>

<p>I’m actually a summer session 2 applicant. I’m not sure about if we’re notified earlier (we share the due dates for applications and so on) but it would make sense 'cause we’re coming in early July instead of late August… I’d love to know if it was true.</p>

<p>My page says summer session 2 also. When I talked to the transfer admissions people they told me that they only do that because they want you to take classes over the summer to catch up to the major you applied for, if any credits didn’t transfer, or you don’t have any credits. Like for me they want me to take intro to engineering and physics if I get in.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the next wave of hokie birds come out?</p>

<p>The next wave of Hokie birds will probably begin mid-march. The next decision wave is probably not until end of march/first week of april, but I’m not sure if they simply apply the hokie birds as they review applications.</p>

<p>so i applied as summer session 1, and add/drop begins march 16th. are they going to let me know before then??</p>

<p>I’m going to email and ask for info. Us summer session people need to know! :D</p>

<p>i just emailed them too and ill let you know. ugh! i need to know!</p>

<p>Okay- I asked about the drop add period and she said that only applies to current students. Summer session people will have different dates. She stated again that we’ll know before May 1st, which we all knew. No more specifics than that.</p>

<p>To all those accepted/those who will be accepted, want to start a fall 2013 transfer group on facebook? It’d be nice to know some people before stepping foot on campus.</p>

<p>@howhow71 </p>

<p>I actually think it’s a really good idea to start a group. I’m from out of state, and I only know one person from tech. It’d be nice to have a place to chat/ask or answer questions for each other.</p>

<p>Accepted. College of Engineering (international student)
HS 3.9/4.0 unweighted
College 1 3.9/4.0 25 cedits
College 2 6.8/7.0 18 credits (international college)
TOEFL 105/120</p>

<p>I think that’s all they received
Good luck to everyone else.</p>


I don’t really know much about the whole plan.
Is there something (or some deadline) I should be bothered about?
(I’m summer session II)</p>

<p>I don’t think so- they’ll follow up with financial aid and admission stuff by email. Just accept admission by June 1st and I think you’re good. Maybe someone else will have more details?</p>

<p>Oh well.
Thank you.</p>

<p>hi everyone :slight_smile:
I’ve had the hokie bird for a week now but they my credits are still being “processed” and i haven’t received an official acceptance or anything. i know everyone says that the bird is for sure acceptance but should i be worried? im a little nervous :slight_smile:
ps i think the transfer Facebook group would be a great idea, has somebody already made it?</p>

<p>Nothing official here too, but the page status says “offered admission” and I’m given the option to accept or not.
Some of my credits are already in. I applied on the 14th of Feb.
I think it’s fine.
Facebook page…I don’t think anyone has… I may be wrong.</p>

<p>@hexxcoat: if you see an offer on your application status page. Then it’s official that your in cause I received
that as well. You should receive a packet with a letter congratulation you and a small thin book on what to do next. You can pay for your acceptances online or pay for it by check or money order when the hard copy comes in which should be only a few days you were offered admissions.</p>