Virginia Tech Transfer 2013

<p>Has anyone gotten into Pamplin yet?</p>

<p>@lastchance08 I don’t know anyone from a four year institution yet…I applied to pamplin too</p>

<p>Did anyone else get an email about financial aid from vt? And is this a good sign?</p>

<p>I don’t necessarily know for sure as I’m not part of admissions, but if you do receive a “Hokie Bird” on your application status, I heard that’s a really good sign.</p>

<p>@lastchance08: I got into Pamplin and they called me a week after to talk to me about the college, curriculum of my major (accounting &. Information systems), and opportunities that I have at the college of business if I transfer there.</p>

<p>@Howhow71: I talked to a Financial Aid advisor and they told me they won’t start asking people about there information or verification to document on FAFSA for transfer until mid March and will distribute awards in April.</p>

<p>In case people are curious of what exactly the “Hokie Bird” looks like on the application status page. <a href=“http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/2z4icmb.png[/url]”>http://i42.■■■■■■■.com/2z4icmb.png&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I dont have it! I think maybe I will get it on the next “wave”</p>

<p>Just out of curiosity, what are some of your reasons for transferring? I got the hokie bird about two weeks ago and was excited at first but now kind of debating if I should stay at my current school.</p>

<p>Is that question universal or directed at someone specifically?</p>

<p>Universal. Just want to hear why some people are considering transferring so I can help make up my mind.</p>

<p>You should ask yourself why YOU want to transfer, what are you looking for and what school can offer you everything you want? I go to Radford University and it’s just not for me, basically you’re a nobody if you’re not in a frat or play a sport. Theres not much to do and you get judged pretty hard.</p>


<p>Did you do the two year agreement thing to get into VT? If not, our stats are pretty similar (I’m studio art) and it gives me hope! I’m from a CC but not applicable for the agreement.</p>

<p>I graduated from HS with a 3.5 GPA with an IB diploma.
My current college GPA is a 3.2. I am a sophomore and am double majoring in Spanish and Biology. What are my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>Hey guys, I applied as a transfer to Tech early February and like most other people I was wondering about my chances.
I have a 4.0 GPA at George Mason University and was accepted to Tech when I was applying to colleges in high school, but because of family issues I couldn’t go my first year.</p>

<p>I’m a second semester freshman right now involved with several EC’s with the following fall credits
University Calculus (4)- A
Photography (4)- A
Public Speaking (3)- A
University 101 (1)- A</p>

<p>I had a 4.2 gpa in high school along with 14 credits from IB.</p>

<p>I’m worried because my councilor told me to only take 12 credits when I started college at GMU, and I feel like this might seriously handicap my application. Right now I’m taking 17 credits, all of them transferable to the business school at Pamplin.</p>

<p>Currently, no Hokie Bird, but I’d love to see him soon :frowning:

<p>@lotbirds …well I for sure think you will get into Pamplin, its only a matter of time.</p>

<p>hey guys! i’m applying to techs chemistry program as a transfer for the fall. second semester sophomore with a combined gpa of 3.46. applied my freshman year with a 4.0 but i didn’t get in because i needed more classes for my major. HS gpa is a 3.0. Straight A’s until last semester with a C in calculus and C in chemistry. but took other labs with A’s. i had a lot of negative things happening in my life so i HOPE they’ll overlook the dip.</p>

<p>@VThopeful You seem like a strong applicant! Don’t worry about your high school grades as much since you are a sophomore now your HS information doesn’t really matter. Good luck!</p>

<p>Just got the email. Accepted into engineering.</p>

<p>@howhow71 did you apply for the priority deadline?</p>