Virginia Tech Transfer 2013

<p>@pball12 thanks! you too</p>

<p>Just talked to admissions. The next wave of acceptances will come out at the end of this week.</p>

<p>Would this be for anybody or people with hokie birds?</p>

<p>I don’t really know, but I’m going to assume everybody is in the same boat.</p>

<p>Last time I applied, when there was a new wave there were more Hokie birds, as well as acceptance letters being sent out. :)</p>

<p>Awesome! Good luck everyone! :)</p>

<p>Does this mean I’ll see the Hokie on my app status page, or is that more referring to the mailed acceptance letters?</p>

<p>Both. People that had a no Hokie before found that they had one, and those who had Hokies but not the acceptance letter yet were receiving them.
I was one of the unlucky few who found out on the May 1st wave. Good luck and stay patient!</p>

<p>Thanks @jennyK13 that makes a lot more sense as to why some people have the birds and some do not!</p>

<p>Yay a VT transfer thread!
So I applied early January as a transfer from Radford, I am a sophomore with a 3.5 gpa. This is my third time applying and I am crossing my fingers this time. Do you think I will find out my decision before May 1st? I applied to another school and have already been accepted, but I have to inform them by May 1st if I am to attend. Hopefully I find out if I got into tech before then.</p>

<p>@cookies1 we are in the same boat! I’m at Radford with a 3.5, so we should probably both find out at the same time, but I’m a freshman.</p>

<p>@pball12 I applied last year as a freshman and didn’t find out until May 1st, but I also think I applied later than everyone else so I’m sure you’ll find out before then!</p>

<p>I applied in january too and if they do it by district than hopeeefully it will be earlier than may 1st but we will see!</p>

<p>oh and which other school did you apply to?</p>

<p>I applied to Temple University in Philly, I heard it has a good business program. What’s your major?</p>

<p>Ohhhh nice I’ve heard of that, I’m a criminal justice major here and I applied to George Mason for criminal justice, and Political science for tech!</p>

<p>I am a transfer from a four-year college in Pennsylvania. I logged on today and saw the Hokie! I’m not sure how long it has been up, but does anyone know when the next batch of acceptances will be sent out? I applied in late december.</p>

<p>Anyone gotten an acceptance yet?</p>

<p>I don’t know what the priority deadline is, but I applied like the first week of February, they recieved my transcripts in a week and then the day after I got the bird. I got a welcome email from their engineering so I’m pretty sure I got in but my application page hasn’t changed. I had a 3.28 OOS freshman if that helps.</p>

<p>You’re in! Congrats!
But how on earth are people finding out so fast? I had everything in by December 1st, and still no Hokie.</p>