Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>@bilaldgenius So you did english, math and science last semester or you doing some of them now? What does your current schedule look like? </p>

<p>@ag1994 Hey math and science from CNU might not be equivalent at tech but there is a chance of getting free electives credits for those classes. Two economics classes I did in my previous school were not equivalent here but I still got 6 credits that counted for free electives. However, I am retaking those 2 classes now. Also you said you are psychology major and you have probably done intro psych, sociology and all those. You are in lot better shape than I was when I was waiting for decision. </p>

<p>@ag1994 Hey math and science from CNU might not be equivalent at tech but there is a chance of getting free electives credits for those classes. Two economics classes I did in my previous school were not equivalent here but I still got 6 credits that counted for free electives. However, I am retaking those 2 classes now. Also you said you are psychology major and you have probably done intro psych, sociology and all those. You are in lot better shape than I was when I was waiting for decision. </p>

<p>@blacksburg Hey I took calc 1, intro to chem, freshman English, comp sci 101, and a humanities elective in my first semester. And currently I am taking calc 2, chem 101, chem lab, freshman English 2, comp sci 255. So i am meeting all the minimum requirements and since I am just a freshman I didn’t get a chance to take some of the other recommended courses. </p>

English I and II
Applied calculus I and II
General Biology I and II with labs
Psychology and American History
History of western civilization</p>

<p>If it helps you, these are all the classes I had when I was accepted. Sounds like you pretty much have same data as mine. So don’t start to freak out already haha! I hope you hear from them soon.</p>

<p>@blacksburg Thanks for the info. I always wanted to be a hokie and this might be my last time trying so I hope I get in. And if you dont mind me asking what major did you apply for and what was your gpa? I currently applied to engineering.</p>

<p>@bilaldgenius I applied to Economics major with GPA 3.9 but switched to BIT on the day I was accepted. P.S. I really hope you get in and don’t make this a last try even if you don’t. Best wishes! let me know if you have any questions</p>

<p>@mchck9 the 22nd of Jan</p>

<p>@Chris11 Hey Chris! I saw you posted about you being the last wave of acceptance last year. I’m really starting to get nervous because I submitted my application early and everything. I’m hoping that I’ll be finding out soon as well within the first couple weeks of April then. Did you find out online first, before you received all your acceptance letter via mail?
Also, I keep seeing all these posts about a hokie bird and I haven’t seen one when I check my application status, so I’m nervous about it & I really don’t want to be waiting until May 1st, it’s all I can think about! </p>

<p>@ag1994 & @IAS117 I submitted my transcripts and application around the same time. It seems to me that they are working like backwards. The later you applied and submitted your stuff, the sooner you found out. Which sucks… Hopefully we will find out soon.</p>

<p>@Megs19 I’m pretty sure the review order is random! I know I saw a number of people from last year who applied early and didn’t find out until late but they were accepted nonetheless! You should be fine!</p>

<p>The wait is killing me…</p>

<p>@Turkish93 me too… I check online about 10 times a day. But I don’t even have the hokie bird, so that worries me too…</p>

<p>Can anyone please tell me what they think my chances of getting in are as a Sophomore transfer?</p>

<p>HS: 3.82 GPA
With/ AP Comp. Gov, AP Environ. Sci, IT Database, AP ENG 11, AP US HIST, Pre-AP classes before that, SPA: Up to 3 years, Learn & Serve, Yearbook
Previous College (CNU): 3.2 GPA: 16 credits- ENG 123, HIST 112, PHIL 101, PHYS 141 & 105L, PSYC 202
Current Community College(NOVA): 4.0 GPA: 17 credits- CST 110, HIST 101, MTH 151, SPA 101, SDV100</p>

<p>I’ve played two different varsity sports in and outside of high school, involved in numerous clubs like Honor Society, and volunteer work, and I work on top of it all.</p>

<p>I sent in a letter of recommendation with my transcripts and all.</p>

<p>I applied to the School of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences for Human Development. I want to study elementary teaching.</p>

<p>***Also Pretty much all of my credits transfer to Tech.
One thing was my physics class transferred to NOVA as a general physics, but then at Tech it transfers as a elective? But if you do it NOVA to Tech, how NOVA transferred it, then it is a general physics, and not a elective. So I don’t know how they would go about that?</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>Does anyone know how credit evaluation work? I mean when I looked at my credit evaluation it didn’t show any AP credits that I had from high school. I am pretty sure they were transferred to my current university. So do I have to send it again from college board, or is there something I am missing here? Little lost…</p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated! </p>

<p>@Megs19 Your GPA looks well within their range! I’m not sure what classes Tech would want you to have already taken for Human Development so that’s really the only thing that can hurt you - everything else looks good! Again, I’m almost positive the review process is random so it should only be a matter of time before you’re accepted!</p>

<p>@ThatRandomGuy I’m pretty sure credit evaluations only appear if you have been accepted. That being said, they can appear your status page anywhere from a week to two months after you are notified of your acceptance online.</p>

<p>@rohitx I have already been accepted a while ago and all of my credits have been transferred except the AP credits that I got from high school. So I was wondering if I have to send them the AP score once again from the college board?</p>

<p>@ThatRandomGuy Wait so does your transfer credit evaluation appear as complete when you log in to your guest account online? If it does you might want to send Tech those AP scores again or call them to confirm if they have it.</p>

<p>Next wave of acceptances??? Possibly this Friday?</p>

<p>@IAS117 are you asking us or telling us? Either way I would really like to hear the answer. :slight_smile: </p>