Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>@cnucaptain - transferring after 1 or 2 years? What was the biggest driver of wanting to transfer. Just curious as CNU is one of the schools I have been accepted to, but waiting on my first choice VT and some others. Would like your first hand thoughts. Thanks much</p>

<p>@booboo96 When did you apply to CNU and when were you notified? I also applied there.</p>

<p>Applied early January, recieved notification yesterday in the mail. Are you a H.S. freshman or transfer student? I am a H.S. Senior appling for freshman admission so I think we may be in different “buckets”</p>

<p>@Techohs2016 @ThatRandomGuy You don’t have to take classes over the summer as a transfer even in engineering. They put you as summer session II as a default in case you decide to but its not required. If you don’t take summer classes they will automatically defer you to the following Fall semester. I actually had to take summer classes at my previous school before I could transfer so there was no way I could take any at Tech and they’re really understanding. So you could work or just enjoy your summer and they’ll set you up for Fall classes on orientation </p>

<p>@booboo96 I am transferring after two years. I’ll first say that CNU is a very good school. Above all, the people are what make it amazing. You really have to sit down and talk with students to get a feel for how true that really is. The thing about CNU is that it is both young and small. Not many job recruiters have heard of the place, so right now it is not a university where you can get a job out of that easily. The career opportunities are why I am leaving.</p>

<p>@cnucaptain Thanks much. Your information is very helpful.</p>

<p>Quick question guys. I have the Hokie Bird on my status page but when I click on it it says “There is no transfer evaluation processed as of this date. If you have forwarded all final copies of your transfer transcripts to us, please allow more time for processing. Continue to check this website for updates to your transfer credit record.” (Most likely because I’m taking summer classes). Did everyone else have that message and is this still a good sign that I got the hokie bird?</p>

<p>Lastly, can someone show me what the admittance offer online looks like that way I know what to expect if I get in. Thanks.</p>

<p>I submitted my app on Jan 22nd and my high school transcript was send during the first week of Jan and entered on the 28th of Jan. I also send my community college transcript during the first week of Jan but turns out Tech had lost it. They kept on saying the snow and weather caused the mail to be backed up…I made them dig through the pile of mail and they updated my transcript status on the 28th of Feb. I would’ve had my decision by now but they messed up the transcript mail. …smh…anyone know the next wave of acceptances???</p>

<p>@Chris11 Man you don’t know how much relieved I am right now. Your comment was a life saver! I was freaking out because I have to handle all of my financial circumstances on my own. Anyway just to be safe, do I have to call them and let them know that I would like to attend from fall rather than summer?

<p>Hey. This is what an admission offer looks like <a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=352psba&s=8#.Ux1AdeddXs4”>http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=352psba&s=8#.Ux1AdeddXs4&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am also accepted! So relieved!</p>

<p>@ThatRandomGuy I don’t think you have to and if you do I’m pretty sure they’ll just say the same thing i said before that it’ll do it automatically if you don’t sign up for summer classes</p>

<p>Chris11, Thanks for your responses, they have been very helpful. I just received my acceptance into COE as an entering sophomore. I intend to enroll in ME after the required 12 credit "probationary period"and was wondering if there are any restrictions on registering for the sophomore classes on the ME curriculum check-sheet, i.e. limited space availability. I will have met all the pre-requisites just wanted to know if priority is given to official ME students over General Engineering students. Also, would you recommend enrolling in VT during the summer to complete the 12 credit GPA requirement and get it out of the way? </p>

<p>@rjldm25 If your coming in as a sophomore then you should still have to take some area classes such as humanities or social sciences. As the probationary period you spoke of last the first 12 cr. hours your at Tech it would be a good idea to take as many of those area classes as early as you can. These will essentially count as GPA boosters to ensure you get into your major because the engineering classes they’ll put you in are really difficult and its always good to have a few classes to guarantee that GPA. This is because those 12 hours aren’t in major they’re overall and if you don’t get the 3.0 the first semester you’ll have to still have a cumulative GPA over 3.0 to declare ME after the second. As far as priority they’ll always give it to students in major and upperclassmen as well as athletes and cadets. Im not sure if you’ve already taken Statics, Dynamics, and Deforms but these classes are pretty hard, especially at Tech, and you definitely want to have a few boosters when you take them. Once your in all you need to maintain is a 2.0 to stay in which a lot less pressure than a 3.0 especially with the +,- grading scale they use. As this past year was the first year you had to get the 3.0 to get into your major(ME and other Engineering majors were really overpopulated and this was a way to trim them down) this is a good way to essentially beat the system. </p>

<p>You should be able to take most of the engineering classes at the sophomore level even though your in GE but don’t expect ideal times as all students currently enrolled request their classes for next semester in about a month or so. They open the drop/add for transfers again in the summer but for the most part non transfers already have their schedules set. This means you’ll be picking from the scrap pile of classes so expect plenty of 8:00 ams to be available</p>

<p>I guess enrolling in the summer II session really depends on your personal situation but if you do I wouldn’t suggest taking all 12 hours, the classes are only 5 weeks long and extremely accelerated. At the most you might want to take 7-9 cr. hours. </p>

<p>Hello guys.</p>

<p>I am an international studnet who accepted from VT with general engineering major. Btw, I heard that summer 2 session is mandatory for engineering transfer students. If so, after I finish this summer session, can I ask for leave of absence for finishing army service in my country from 2014 Fall? If there was no summer session, I would have planned to go back to my country in summer, but I can’t. so, I might change my plan to go to army. </p>


<p>@activism93 I thought my application was messed up when I saw my term as Summer II, so I emailed admissions and they said it is not mandatory. It’s just that a lot of people want to do it if they don’t have all the intro classes they need. I would check out where you should be, they have tables and flow charts like this one for every major:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you don’t need Summer II, you can certainly go back to your country and finish you service without a problem (Although there is orientation and whatnot). You would automatically be rolled into Fall 2014 if you didn’t sign up for Summer II.</p>

<p>@HokieDokie17 Thanks for your response. That’s good news! Btw, what if I am not taking summer 2, then my whole schedule would be delayed to Fall 2014, am I right? Like, I have to take engineering sequences in Fall 2014, if I am not taking in summer. Is there no way that I can take my major courses with engineering courses at the same time?
One more thing is if I would like to take a leave of absence, then I have to attend school for first semester at first?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I am currently in the second semester at VCU and applied for transfer to Tech’s engineering program. After the first semester I got a gpa of 3.83 and am currently in a national honor society which also has a chapter at Virginia Tech. I graduated high school with a 3.75 weighted and got waitlisted from Tech. Also I have earned a Database Specialist Certificate at NVCC. Can you guys please give me an idea if I will get in or not, because I am currently freaking out.</p>

<p>Also I dont know if this makes a difference but I have finished all the required courses to transfer except 2 which I am currently doing this semester.</p>

<p>Well your gpa definitely looks good, but it also depends on what kind of classes you took. My gpa was also somewhere around 3.85 (for first sem), and I got in. Good luck to you!</p>


<p>So today in the mail I got a packet from VT and I must say that their admission packet was pretty cute haha. It came with a hokie bird, bumper sticker, and some other little things.</p>