Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>Hey guys, I’ve applied to Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering through regular admissions. I wanted to know what you guys think my chances are in getting Virginia Tech (I’m getting so nervous seeing that mostly everyone has gotten the Hokie Bird).
Currently I have a 3.583 GPA in NVCC and will end my spring semester with 66 credits, the courses I have taken are:</p>

<p>Fall 2012
Intro to Computing- A
English Comp. 1- A
Calc 1- B
Intro to psych- A
College skills- B</p>

<p>Spring 2013
Intro to Engineering- B
Calc 2- A
Gen Univ Physics 1- B
English Comp. 2- A</p>

<p>Summer 2013
Fitness and Wellness (required class) - A</p>

<p>Fall 2013
College Chem 1- A
Film Appreciation- B
Comp Pgrm for Engineers- A
Basic Elec Circuits - A
Vector Calc- B</p>

<p>Spring 2014
Intro to Communication
Film Appre. 2
Solid Mech Statics
Bas. Elec Circuits 2
Elec Circuit Lab
Gen Univ Physics 2</p>

<p>I’m getting super anxious. Any advice?</p>

<p>Has anyone else who applied for priority financial aid received any information on how much financial aid they have been awarded? </p>

<p>@HokieDokie17 was your awarded financial aid amount including loans? I’m just trying to get a rough idea of how much financial aid I might be awarded and how much more time I need to sink into scholarships. Haha</p>

<p>@vsd24061 Yeah, that included loans. It was my whole financial aid statement, with $3,000 awarded and $6,400 in loans.</p>


<p>ACCEPTED!!! But I was so excited that I accidently clicked the wrong thing and withdrew my application… How bad did I screw up? I emailed them immediately after and said that I accidently withdrew it. I hope to god I didn’t screw this up! I’m so scared now…</p>


<p>OMG ACCEPTED!! </p>

<p>Accepted! Congratulations to everyone else!</p>


<p>Does anyone have valid info on the circumstances that they will take back their offer for admission after your final transcript? Is it just if it is REALLY bad? as long as you keep over a 3.0? etc. I am super paranoid. </p>

<p>Thanks @HokieDokie17</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone!</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! Congratulations to everyone who has already made it, and to everyone else, don’t give up yet! It’s still so early in the process, I’m sure each and every one of you will be fine. I’ll see y’all Hokies at Tech!!!</p>

<p>Accepted! BTW, I transferred to engineering, and they have me in their summer II program. Do I have to do this? I was hoping to make some cash during summer so I can pay tuition fees. It would be great if the summer session wasn’t mandatory. Does anyone know about this?
Cheers! </p>

<p>Summer session is mandatory if you’re planning on taking engineering classes in the fall. If you don’t do it, you won’t be able to register for any engineering classes.</p>

<p>Ah! That’s a bummer. I guess I have no choice then. Thanks for the reply man!</p>

<p>Did you guys get a physical acceptance letter or just the thing online?</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting Just an offer on the status page! Pretty sure letters come within the week or so.</p>

<p>Oh ok! I just wanted to know when is the last day to accept the offer because I’m also waiting on JMU.</p>

<p>@hopefulwaiting Some people won’t know until May 1st (the “official” date everyone will be notified by), so I am pretty sure you have to reply by June 1st? You have a while!</p>

<p>I got accepted into Pamplin for transfer also. I saw it today, so I assume that I got it this Friday. For your own projections, my stats are as follows. Christopher Newport University (in state resident). Accounting and Computer Information Systems Double Major. GPA: 3.79 cumulative (upward trend–last semester 4.0 at 19 credit hours), 4.0 in business courses. Sat: 1350 & 2000. All pre-req’s filled. High school gpa less than 3.35? </p>