Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2014

<p>@HopefulWaiting when did you guys submit your application. Because I submitted mines on February 15, and now I cant wait for the result to come in. I just want to know how long I will need to wait until I find out. I am now freaking out. </p>

December 16th application submitted
January 13th transcripts received
February 17 Hokie Bird
March 7th Offered Admission
March 11th Admission letter received</p>

<p>@bilaldgenius Do you have the Hokie bird?</p>

<p>Feb 13 - Application Submitted
Feb 24 - Transcript Received
March 3 - Hokie Bird
March 7 - Offered Admission
March 11 - Admission Letter</p>

<p>I’m starting to get worried…PLEASE ADVISE! COPY AND PASTE OF MY POST ON PAGE 8:</p>

<p>Chance me please, student at JTCC, graduated high school last summer in 2013. Will complete my associates summer 2014.</p>

<p>Got 16 AP credits, took 24 credits during summer 13 and fall 13 so far and am currently taking 17 during the spring. Will take 7 during the summer to finish up the associates.</p>

<p>Currently have a 3.875, all A’s except for 1 B. Applied as a senior got wait listed. Taking all basic maths, sciences, social sciences, electives…etc… following the transfer guide.</p>

<p>Application submitted 22nd Jan, hs transcript 31st Jan, college transcript sent first week Jan. but entered 28th Feb. Applying for College of Science. No HOKIE BIRD??? </p>


<p>I don’t think you have anything to worry about just yet. They really can’t do much with your application until they get your transcripts and they got yours less than two weeks ago. If you don’t see any changes by the end of March, I would be a little more concerned.</p>

<p>@HopefulWaiting Not yet. And that is why I am getting so worried. They received my transcripts on Feb 25th.
@IA S117 I feel you. I am in the same boat as you, i also got waitlisted my senior year, and I got all A’s and 1 B so my gpa is very close to yours also. And now I am going crazy looking at tech’s guest page multiple times a day, hoping I get in.</p>

<p>Also where would I see this hokie bird appear. I honestly dont even know where to look for it</p>

<p>Guys, There is absolutely nothing to worry about. These things happen in waves so you probably won’t see your hokie bird until the next wave.</p>

<p>For those of you still waiting/wondering…</p>

<p>If you have a GPA of at least a 3.5+ and have taken necessary pre-reqs, you should have nothing to worry about. I got into Pamplin with a 3.79 with most of my gen eds already completed (applied as a second semester freshman).</p>

<p>Also, always keep in mind that Virginia Tech accepts students literally until the last day possible! If you don’t believe me, just check the transfer forums from the last two years - plenty of people were accepted on April 30th.</p>

<p>That being said, here is what the hokie bird looks like:</p>

<p><a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=2z4icmb&s=5#.UyESifldWRT”>http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=2z4icmb&s=5#.UyESifldWRT&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And here is the online offer:</p>

<p><a href=“http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=352psba&s=8#.UyESmPldWRR”>http://■■■■■■■.com/view.php?pic=352psba&s=8#.UyESmPldWRR&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Here are my dates for the entire admission process:</p>

<p>Application Submission (2/8/14)
College 1 Transcript Received (2/24/14); Delivered (2/12/14)
Hokie Bird Received (3/3/14)
Online Admission Offer (3/7/14) *Friday
Admission Letter (3/10/14)</p>

<p>@rohitx thanks for all the info and just a quick question what if you are currently taking the last of the prereqs for engineering? and just wondering how many engineering transfer students have gotten in already?</p>

<p>@bilaldgenius If you are currently completing your final prerequisites for engineering, there is honestly no reason why you would not be accepted. One thing I have noticed with past transfers is that Virginia Tech heavily weighs your decision not only on your GPA but also on your coursework.</p>

<p>@rohitx sorry I have been asking a lot of questions its just that I really want to get in. By course I have a 4.0 from NVCC with a Database Specialist Certificate which is like an associates degree just without the core classes. Plus I am also taking the normal freshman courses from VCU and have a 3.83 from there.</p>

<p>credits have been transferred!</p>

<p>I think I can finally say the waiting game is over. See y’all in the Fall!</p>

<p>Hi guys!
I just got a letter from one of the admissions people, asking me for a mid-term grade so that they may review my application further. I’m so nervous because I have two As two Bs but one C+ for calculus :frowning:
should I be worried?</p>

<p>C+ in calc eh? Well, It also depends on what major your are pursuing. Does your major emphasize on math? If so it might* put you in a disadvantage…but then again admission process are really unpredictable. </p>

<p>@thatrandomguy I’m trying to get Into business information technology</p>

<p>@Transfer4848 with business information technology you need to get A’s and B’s in all math, science, and English. So you are put at a disadvantage right now if you do not bring it up. Just work hard and do the best you can to get it into the B range! </p>

<p>@Transfer4848 When they send you a letter stating a request for mid-term grades, it basically means they are on the fence about your decision. Definitely do what @hokie757 said and get that grade up!</p>

<p>@Rohitx @hokie757 Thank you guys for answering me. I will just have to work harder.</p>

<p>Hey guys, I had the hokie bird on my application summary a couple days ago but now it’s gone. I’m really worried now. Is this a bad sign and has this happened to anyone else?</p>