Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2020

I was planning on taking summer classes at tech, if i got accepted. Does anyone know if they are still planning on offering summer classes because of the outbreak and all?

We can only hope at this point. Summer 1 starts in May - hopefully

Just called admissions and they said the Notification date is the 15th :frowning: April 1st was a typo & they said “you never know” when they will release

(JMU freshman) is public relations a hard major to get accepted into… I have a 3.3 Gpa and and a double legacy (idk if that helps at all) and all the classes I took transfer…

@djjonesss You should be fine. They generally want to a GPA above a 3.0, which is good, and that internship isn’t bad either. Also, I’m a part of the NSBE chapter at Tech as well, if you have any questions.

@Ari1123 Also transferred from GMU and with a GPA like that, you should be okay, but I wouldn’t be 100% certain. I know that VT loves taking students from GMU specifically, for whatever reason, so there’s that.

@TouristHistory They said they would re-evaluate any large meetings, such as summer classes, by April 30th.

@andrewrgunter You’re pretty much in. The public relations department isn’t that hard to get into here.

@ak2018 would you say getting into the math program is difficult?

Yo, what’s up I’m looking to transfer to VT too from Uni. Of Colorado Boulder.

I am an Econ major and looking to do that at VT. I got a GPA of 3.65 and taking/taken all the required courses. The only problem looking at is taking precalculus last semester with calc 1 this semester. Hoping since I didn’t take calc 2 I can still get in. Only calc 1 is required and calc 2 is strongly recommended but I have English classes too which is strongly recommended.

Cheers and good luck to everyone

I wouldn’t call the Math Department a hard one to get in. What we don’t know is how strict VT is going to be on transfers with the large freshman class moving to being sophmores next year. Prior transfers stats aren’t going to be of much help right now - we have no clue what their transfer policies are going to be over next few years.

Thanks for the response…im just worried because i planned on taking their recommended math course at a community college.

yeah they are very interesting with admissions this past 2 years so we will have to see what happens

Here is database of Virginia community college classes to corresponding VT class equivalent that will transfer

Here are math department required classes at VT you can then use to find the community college equivalents

do we think decisions will release today!!

honestly if they’re releasing early, today should be the day. They always release some in March. Also it being the last Friday before April 1st I think they will release today.

hm i dont see any hints about it anywhere :frowning: so maybe not

@ak2018 I’d love to learn more about what NSBE does community service wise at VT. If I get in that would definitely be one of the organizations I would make a priority to join so learning more about this year would be very much appreciated!

Do they usually give out hints

For most of them idk about transfers or not but they post on twitter, Instagram saying to check portals at 5 around 2pm the day of. Nothing has been posted yet that I’ve seen. Still hoping though!

I don’t see anything on my portal. Did anyone get the decision yet?

nope, i don’t see anything :confused: i guess it is not today