Virginia Tech Transfer Fall 2020

@gohokies54 Not really. Not to get you down, but the math department is kind of looked down upon here, mainly because a lot of non-engineering/non-math students are made to take online math courses through the “Math Empo”. Have yet to take a class there, and never will, but other than that, VT math classes are hit or miss. Had to drop Calc 3 last semester, taking it now, to make sure I kept my GPA as close to a 3.0 as possible.

@youshelter You should be fine with that GPA. The only thing I recommend is, in my opinion, not taking MATH 1226 - Calc 2 if you don’t have to. It’s one of the most poorly taught math classes at VT. As an Econ major, I believe you have the opportunity to take MATH 1026, which is online through the Math Empo, but, depending on who you ask, is much better than regular Calc 2.

@andrewrgunter Yeah, that’s a safe bet, and exactly what I ended up doing with most of my classes. The links @cbl1 are pretty good and if it says they transfer, they’ll transfer. If you want be 100% sure, the math department has a form that you can fill out before you take the course at the CC that guarantees that you will get the credit, if the form is approved, no matter what changes they make later on.

Also, I remember receiving my decision on April 1st last year. I would say don’t get your hopes up about getting your decision on Wednesday though, as this whole COVID-19 situation has caused a lot of changes within the university in such a short amount of time. It’s why they usually say BY April 15th, and not ON as it’s just a timeframe. Either way, you can bet they won’t be released until around 5pm EST to avoid getting their phones blasted.

@ak2018 thank you for that information! i have a pretty good application and a 4.0 gpa, alot of my gen ed classes are already completed as well, maybe im just worrying too much but let’s see!

“Virginia Tech is planning to release transfer admissions decisions as scheduled. All students who have completed the required steps of the application process will be notified via their guest account status page at 5pm on April 15th.” They sent an email. Looks like we have to wait 2 weeks.

This sucks but maybe they will still release tomorrow April 1st. Maybe it was an automated message I really don’t understand why they emailed us to say that

@LeviR There was concern, due to the pandemic, that there would be a possible delay in application processing. They just cleared it up

Does anyone think we could hear from them tomorrow or following week?

I think it will be on April 15th as they have said.

I know we all have been desperately waiting to find out decisions but i think we’d have to wait until 15th to find out?

Although they said they are planning to release on the 15th. There is a small chance of waves on Friday or the next. It’s odd to release on a Wednesday. They said last year to waitlisted freshman they would know by may 1st and we was told like first week of April.

Waitlisted freshman were told April because - they were all told no one will be coming off waitlist. I don’t think you want that circumstance where they tell everyone about transfers early because there are no transfers accepted.

2019 waitlist notification email re: no one being pulled was sent April 30th, not early April.

is anyone elses SRAR data gone at the bottom of their application page? Mine has been gone for a while an i am just curious.

Are you talking about under virginia tech’s guest page?


No i don’t see anything there related to my SRAR data. I only see my basic information and the major i applied for. Do you by any chance when SRAR data appeared?

Also, does anyone know we we are gonna hear anything about the decisions before the 15th?


is anyone planning on applying to live in the transfer LLC if they get in?

I am just because I’ll be a sophomore & I don’t want to get an apartment.

Just 10 days remaining until the decision date. I’m super anxious to find out the decisions as i know most of you are as well. I got my associates in CS and i did get an F in my calculus 1 but i ended up repeating it and got a B second time. Also, I did get a C in my CSC 202 (CS 2104). I got As and Bs in all my other classes. I do qualify to transfer via guaranteed admission since my cumulative GPA is 3.24. I do 3 Ws on my transcript. What do you guys think my chances are?