Virginia Tech Transfer Spring 2021

Hey guys! Anyone planning to apply for transfer into VT for Spring 2021? If so, put your stats below!

I think it might be a long shot for me but I am applying for spring 2021 transfer! I’m applying for their BIT program with a 3.59 gpa.

I think it may be a good time to get in via transfer if things line up right.

They have an entire dorm set aside for Covid positives. If we do get a vaccine at the end of the year and Covid is less a concern in January … they may release many of those rooms and need to fill them (what better way then bringing in some transfers).

Overall - no one knows … if you want to transfer in go for it and see what happens!

I heard you have a good shot if you’re above 3.0 and you have the prerequisites down.

I have a 3.5 and I’m applying for Engineering.

High School Stats: Top High School Math Science Academy
GPA: 3.9/5.0
ACT: 25

College stats:
Major: Biology and Exercise Science
GPA: 3.70 with 40 credits with 19 credits for Fall 2020.
ECs: Research at local university, rowing club, biology honor society, co-founder of non-profit organization, asian student org, went to Asia to present to underprivileged schools on traumatic brain injuries, volunteering at homeless shelter

Applied for Biology. What are your thoughts?

Good college stats - well worth a try

Really? You think so? I got and A in all of the prerequisite besides one in which I got a B. Did you hear this from a friend that goes there or read it somewhere?

What are your stats like?

@DeruTaka sorry forgot to tag

I’m applying for Finance. I don’t think I’ll get in since I’m applying after one semester.

High school gpa: 3.33

College gpa (9 credits so far, 17 yet to be completed): 4.0

Should be in good shape

Applying for finance in my first semester sophomore year at GMU

Gpa: 3.0
Around 30 credits

@simarskins Should be in good shape. Saw people successfully transfer from GMU with slightly lower stats.

@ak2018 Have u you seen people get denied in my position recently? Also do u think spring admission will be more competitive than fall?

@simarskins Not from what I’ve seen. I know transferring in the spring pre-COVID-19 was a little tough due to the overcrowding issue, but I don’t think that’ll be an issue this upcoming spring. For the most part, Tech plans to do what they did in the fall with online classes, so getting in as a transfer isn’t as hard as it once was, at least right now. In any case, fall transfers are usually more competitive since it works better with graduation schedules. In my opinion, I think that many of the freshmen who deferred their admission to take CC classes instead will continue to defer and more people will likely not be taking classes next semester after what has now been nearly a full semester of Zoom and the overall uncertainty of this situation.

When do application results come out?

anyones portal update?

Just graduated high school this year–been doing CC classes since junior year. Applied to Tech fall 2019 in engineering; deferred, waitlisted, didn’t get off waitlist. Applying to poly sci at Tech as a double major (liberal arts and engineering) from CC. Full intention to take (hopefully transferrable) engineering CC classes and regular Tech classes in the spring with the hopes of transferring into tech engineering in the fall (assuming I get in).
67 credits total
13 AP credits
31 taken ‘post high-school’
23 dual-enrollment credits
GPA: 3.758

Good luck! Worth trying - even if have to do 2 years a CC you should be able to get in a good in state engineering school then.

Update: Got rejected! This marks the fourth time I’ve been rejected by them! I think I’m done. How can I change my username on here. Gotta change it to ‘rejectedhokie24!’

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Hey Y’all! I called them today and they said they are planning to release the spring 2021 transfer decisions in the week of November 16th! :smile: