Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

PSH… I’d feel great if I got that. No hesitation and I’d be I have all A’s. Now GIMME MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER!!!

So I have a question, If you didn’t get an email regarding them wanting your midterm grades do you have to send them still or no?

@sherbertt either way, I hope you get the good news on the next wave. Good Luck! It’s looking good for you.

@Justspeed27 That would be cruel and unfair to people who honestly put down their grades, like me.

I think you should definitely call if you’re unsure if you should send them or not, don’t be afraid to call. Also, when we all get accepted, can we just have one giant party next year to celebrate?

A celebration party sounds great!

@hopefullyhokie I was just kidding around. However, if I were asked I do have all A’s.

@sherbertt I am just scared to call again for the same question and get the same guy.

@Justspeed27 just hang up fast lol

So I just called them and they said that if they contacted you about your midterm grades then they need those to make your decision but if you weren’t contacted but you feel like your midterm grades can help your chances then you can still send them

@VT2016 really? I called and they never mentioned that at all. They just said that they ask for mid-semester grades depending on the circumstances.

@hokiehopes yeah I just called. They just said if they needed it then they would contact you but if they don’t contact you then you don’t have to send it. She just said that if you think it would help then it’s optional and you can send it.

@VT2016 what email would you send it to?

@Hokiehopes I’m guessing the VTadmissions or the Application review committee. Before calling today, I emailed them a couple weeks asking if they needed midterm grades and they said unless contacted by the Application review committee so I’m not entirely sure.

@VT2016 well I’m still hoping it just means they didn’t need our mid-semester grades to make a decision. Hopefully we find out with this next wave because I applied in December and it’s been too long of a wait :frowning:

@hokiehopes I feel the same way, I applied at the end of December and I feel like I should of heard back by now. I hope the next wave is coming in the next two weeks, I don’t want to wait anymore

@VT2016 my suspicion is that we’ll get notified a week after March 29th (when they request people’s mid-semester grades by)

You all are making this too confusing for yourselves.

If they ask you for grades, then consider it required and send them. If they don’t ask for it, then its obviously not required. However, if you wanted to send in extra information it’s not like they can stop you. So if you want to send in grades even though they didn’t ask just do it.

so is anybody going to make a Facebook page…

Somebody make a page lol

Message me your name and I’ll add you to the page!!!