Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2016

I called today and I was told to check Friday, however, not all decisions would be released then. Only a few. So good luck to everyone.

Everyone check their decision pages because mine just got posted!! I’m a Hokie!!!

Mine hasn’t been updated yet

I’m a Hokie!! :smiley:

Congrats! What are your majors/colleges?

Neuroscience. 3.1 gpa. Not very high but I’m getting my associates from a CC in May. Also took a ton of science classes.

Criminology. 3.8, but I also go to WVU, lol.

I GOT IN!! I had a 3.7 going into the psychology program.


Good luck to everybody!!

What schools are you all coming from?

Congrats to everyone that got accepted. I still haven’t received anything :frowning: … I have a 3.84, only one B and all A’s otherwise. However, the one B was a 5 credit class so it tanked my GPA. Applying for engineering. I’m hoping that I’m a veteran and first gen student plays a beneficial role in getting me accepted. But nonetheless, I’m excited for everyone especially @sherbertt. Congrats!!!

@Justspeed27 did they ever ask you for your midterm grades? I was asked to submit mine about two weeks ago and just found out that I was accepted for engineering. My gpa is a 3.5 but I think that since I’m a girl trying to go into engineering and that both of my parents went to Virginia Tech helped me. If you have a 3.84 and all the right maths and sciences completed I’m sure you will be accepted!

@Em5292 I know we all thought mid-semester grades affect if we get accepted before but they don’t. There’s a few people that I know that were accepted to tech today but were never asked for their mid-semester grades. I think it’s based on the classes the individual is currently taking and if they think that might affect their gpa. Congrats on getting in!

@Justspeed27 I’m sure you’ll here back soon and you have about the same stats as me plus more, so I think you’ll hear back. Thanks so much!!! I’m telling y’all were having a huge party next year, it’s happening, lol.

Are they going to send something in the mail as well?

@Em5292 congrats! I have completed up to and including Calc 2. I have done a full year of calc based physics, however, I did not do Chemistry because some colleges require an Engineering based chemistry and my college does not offer that. So I didn’t want to put money toward a potentially pointless class. Which the minimal requirements state that they look for either physics or chem so I should be good. But just for good measures I explained why I didn’t take chem yet. Other than that I feel like I covered all my bases so hopefully they are saving the best for last :smiley: jk. They have not asked for my mid term grades; I check my email every day. But despite my continuing misery with not knowing where I’ll be at college next year. I am happy to see that you guys were accepted.

Congrats everybody! Message me your name on here if you got accepted, I have a Facebook page! :slight_smile:

Anyone get word today?

Hey prospectivehokie! I got in too! I found out yesterday! How many people found out yesterday?