Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

The teacher doesn’t post grades or anything but I’m guessing I have between a C and a F

Are you a Freshman in college or senior in high school?

@daylightskies Oh nvm I saw your posts from before. So how many duel enrollment classes are you taking? I don’t think one withdraw will have an impact on your transfer to Tech in 2019 considering you do well next year at NOVA or wherever you go.

What are you majoring in? @Cwholla1

@daylightskies I’d drop that immediately; also, what are you planning on majoring in?
@lordefarquadd you are in your first year of college right now? Did you only complete one semester of college before applying? I’m pretty sure Virginia Tech only accepts applications for transfer that half at least 1 year (two semesters) done BEFORE the application is submitted

applied for Business marketing in Pamplin

@todayIsAnewDay What are you talking about dude? There are many people in this thread who are a Freshman that are applying to Tech as a first year. You need at least 12 completed credits before you apply, so unless you take less than that amount your first semester you can’t apply. Pretty sure all the people applying in their first year have 12 credits graded before they submitted their application.

VT wants to check if you will transfer comfortably and be on pace. I would say anyone with good course selection and above a 3.6+ is guaranteed to get in whether you’re a sophomore or a junior. Once you get below an A average for GPA, it get a bit more iffy and essays will have to help you a lot. Juniors have a very very easy time to get in by the way.

@CTUR782 yeah my bad I now see where I misunderstood; I dont know why I was thinking two semesters

@daylightskies oh I’d wanna drop that class especially since math is a core class you definitely wanna do well in the core classes that tech requires

Hey guys I’d like to know my chances of getting in, I am currently a second year at NOVA, and applied for the Computational Modeling and Data Analytics major in the college of science.

My GPA currently is a 3.24, it was a 3.55 before last fall, but I got a D in computer science 205, and a C in calc 2. I have only got 2 C’s and 1 D here at NOVA. My total number of credits is 57. I was planning on applying for CS at VT, but I decided to change my major to Data analytics, since I am really bad at coding. I have done three internships during my time at NOVA, and sent in one reccomendation letter. I am planning on retaking calc 2 and csc 205.

@gentlebreeze one of the transfer requirements as listed on their page is “Overall GPA in college course work with B’s or better in Freshman English, math, and science for intended major.” What was your other C in? You only listed calc 2

Are those transfer requirements for guaranteed admissions, because I didn’t apply for that. My other C came from precalc

Does anyone know if we’re accepted are we able to take classes this summer or do we have to wait until the fall?

@gentlebreeze no it didnt, it came from regular transfer requirement
I’d go to that website and see, and also talk to your advisor because I think pre-calc may count as a Core math class

Well, I suppose not required, but it says requirements of what they are looking for in an applicant
You still have a chance if you have all other classes under your belt, and since your gpa is a bit on the lower side, hopefully your application essay is very good @gentlebreeze

For my major I didn’t see pre calc listed in the core classes, but I did see calc 2 which I got a C in. Do you think my chances are good or is it bad?

@gentlebreeze I would suggest talking to an advisor and see if theyve had students before that have been accepted with those kinds of grades in their core class; do you think you did well on your essay?

@todayIsAnewDay I guess my essays were alright, but I can’t say for sure, since I wrote it myself, and it is biased for someone to judge their own writing. Anyways, is the college of science competitive to get in?

@gentlebreeze yes it is because its one of the restricted majors so its more competitive due to more limited space