Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

Hey guys,

I’m applying to V Tech to start my Junior year in the fall and i was wondering if anyone could give me an idea if I have a decent shot at getting in.

My stats are…

Major: Advanced Physics
Credits Completed(After this semester): 62, not all transferable, more like 55-60 transferable
Applied For: Aerospace Engineering
GPA: 3.61
Completed: 1.Several pre req math courses- Calc 1, 2, 3; Differential Equations, Linear Algebra
2. Physics Courses(Last two I’m currently taking)-Phys 1, Phys 2, Math and Numerical Techniques in Physics, Quantum Physics
3.Also Chem 1 and Lab

I’ve been accepted to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for physics and Ohio State for aerospace engineering…

Any feedback would be great, Thanks.

Hey guys so i know regular decisions are being made on the 5th what about transfer decisions?

@Transfer2k18 As of now, 1 May.

So all freshman applicants probably heard back today which means they are probably gonna start taking a look at the transfer applicants!! Hope they get back soonnnnn, May 1 is too far away!

Yup! Ugh this wait is going to kill me. Hopefully Tech has their first wave by the end of next week. Regardless, I’m
hoping to here something in March, rather than having to wait until April; or worst case scenario on May 1st.

I wouldn’t count on next week since they just went through 32K freshman applications. I’m hoping for the end of March but expecting the middle of April.

Guess who got rejected… community college is really starting to look like an option

It’s a good option, and with good planning you can transfer in a year.

Hello Guys, I’m new to the forum, International Transfer student here applied to Biochemistry science, GPA IS 3.9 of 4.0 using ECE for credit evaluation based on the US system
Transferred from Cairo Uni biotechnology and genetic engineering( junior year ), do you think guys they will move up the decision date like what they did with the regular decision?

@TarekHA We’re hoping for an earlier release but there has been no info so far.

Hey guys I have been following this thread but just made an account. Is anyone else applying to the college of agriculture and/or know how competitive that is (not animal science or pre-vet just agricultural studies) thanks!

@agriculturevt The best info for competitiveness for a major is in the data set. You can see the % admitted the each of the last 10 years.

Okay so quick question, I was really confused on submitting a high school transcript cuz I heard both that you need to submit it as well as you don’t. So I submitted mine just cuz on 2/18 and I went to check the guest page and there’s no option for the hs transcript so I don’t even know if they received it yet or not, I also called them but the guy wasn’t very helpful. My college transcript already got there on 1/30 I just submitted my high school one later out of confusion. What do you guys think? Has anyone submitted there hs transcript?

@lordfarquaad I submitted a HS transcript. I talked with someone early in the year and they said it probably wouldn’t be required from me to make an admissions decision (since I’m finishing up my A.S) but to get it in as soon as possible anyway. It is required before you enroll.

@ihopeigetintoVT ah thanks, that makes sense I especially submitted mine since this is currently my first year. So does it show up on your guest account if you submitted it the same way it shows up for your college transcript cuz I don’t see an option for hs transcript at all and I figured they would have probably received it by now.

I called to ask if they had my HS transcript and they said they do, but they don’t weigh in on the decision process, but if you get accepted they need to see it, so they can see the languages you took in HS. So they don’t need it yet if you’re applying but if you get in they’ll ask for it anyways so it wouldn’t hurt, or give any gain if you submitted it already or didn’t. Hope this helps

hey everyone!
i wanted to let everyone know that are confused about acceptance dates. i spoke with a worker at the office of undergrad admissions and there are 2 dates for transfer acceptances. March 29th and April 27th.

about your HS transcripts, they need it to check the languages you took in HS. your HS transcript DOES NOT affect your acceptance into tech. what they determine it off of is your first semester grades (whether at a 4-year or VCCS.)

i’m applying to tech for fall ‘18 and i’m currently at Longwood Univ., i’m a first-generation citizen/student, so that will most likely be my luck into getting in since they admire first gen. subpar gpa but have a lot of credits from dual classes i took in HS, so my chances are looking pretty sharp (hopefully.)

best of luck to everyone!!!

@bcen200 thanks for the info. I’m hoping to be in the earlier group. :slight_smile:

@ihopeigetintoVT no problem! what i am SURE of is that if you applied to any of the big schools (engineering, agriculture, pamplin etc.) you will most likely be in the second wave.

if you applied for poli sci, liberal arts, etc none of the big programs; chances are you’ll be in the first wave.

much luck!!

@bcen200 The part you are sure of above, was that told to you when you called or based on previous years? I applied to Pamplin so I’m in one of the bigs. Thanks, and good luck to you.