Virginia Tech Transfer Students for Fall 2018

@2379sparkshokie The only in-state preference I’ve ever heard of is for VCCS student who complete the 2 year transfer module (with or without GAA). I’m guessing they apply the same regional diversity factors as regular admissions (to include targeting some OOS full-pays), but I’ve never actually seen any information to confirm this.

@Transfer2k18 I know that Virginia Tech takes a holistic approach when looking at an applicant. If you are strong in the other areas of your application, they will take that into consideration. I personally am missing one of the math requirements for Pamplin, so I am in the same boat as you. After speaking with admissions, I was informed that the most competitive applicants will have completed their required courses. They said they wanted to keep those gen ed courses open for Freshmen. Also, they look at the difficulty of your courses especially if you are in a competitive/ hard major. One person from the 2017 transfer page had a 4.0 and still got rejected. That person never said why, but it may have had something to do with the required courses. It would suck if that was the reason.

What is the transfer acceptance rate? A third party site I looked at said it was 70% not 50

@acceptancewoohoo Rate varies by major, but overall was 49.9% last year. Filter by Transfer students and major at link:

That person who got rejected applied after 2 years and wrote he had a 4.0. I went back to his post history after finding him on Reddit and it turns out he had a GPA in the 2ish during his first year at VCU. If you take all the required courses after 2 years and have a GPA above 3.5 you’re going to get in 100%. If you’re applying after one year, they want to see if you’re taking the required courses and are transferable with a high GPA.

@uvact123 I’m confused. So he only gave his gpa for one year instead of his accumulative gpa?

It’s more complicated than that. He had a 2.5ish GPA at VCU and then he got a 4.0 at NVCC his second year. He was just misleading and didn’t tell us that he did horrible at VCU

Does anyone know if AP credits count for total credits? I’ll have 32 credits total by the end of this semester taken at my CC, but I have 14 or so AP credits that tech will accept. Would that put me at 46 credits?

@uvact123 oh wow! Okay that makes more sense. That was an important detail he left out. In regards to your question, ap credits count towards your total credits if you needed those courses for your degree. So you would have 46 transferable credits. If you do not need those courses, you’d still have the credits but they won’t benefit you much.

It’s March 1st lads! I’m assuming that at the end of this month, some people will know their fates. Happy March to
everyone and good luck!

you could send them your mid-term report

Wait but we don’t need to send our mid terms reports right, it never said on their website

@lordfarquaad you only need midterms if VT emails you and asks for your midterm

Hi! So I know I’m not a transfer this year (regular descision freshman applicant) but I’m starting to think my chances of making it in to VT this year are very slim. I’ve applied to and have been accepted to all my other schools but really have my heart set on VT. How realistic would going to a community college for ONE year (nvcc) and then transfering to an APS major (under the college of agriculture) be?

@daylightskies I hope you get in on Monday, but if you don’t going to CC for a year is legitimate pathway. Based on transfer threads from previous years, students have been able to transfer after only a year at CC. If this is the route you take you MUST take the core freshmen classes Tech requires for your major…this would prob include English Comp 1&2, Bio 1&2, and Math (pre-calc & Cal or Calc 1 & 2). They like seeing the courses completed before you apply but it’s not a deal-breaker if you have a couple in progress. If I was you and was hell bent on getting into Tech by Fall 19 I would take 2-3 of the core courses this summer at CC, and then the rest in Fall 18, and fill in the rest of your schedule for Fall and Spring will classes Tech accepts (use the transfer equivalency database). That way by the time you apply in Jan/Feb 19 you will have all the required Eng/Sci/Math core classes already completed, and on your way to about 41 total credits completed by the time you roll into Tech in Fall 19. Oh, and obviously do well in the CC classes. Good luck!.

Thank you so much!!! @ihopeigetintoVT

Good luck this coming Monday and don’t get discouraged if you don’t get in. A CC is a great option! You can apply
for transfer after one year or you can always follow the Guaranteed Admissions Path and get your associates. I ended with a 2.7 GPA in high school and I applied to Tech last year (obviously knowing I was going to get rejected), so I decided to go to a CC and it’s working out greatly for me. There are not much distractions at CC’s imo (as there is in other four year institutions) in comparison. A result of this was me ending with a 4.0 last semester with 17 credits and pretty difficult classes. You save a ton of money as well by going to a CC. Just take the required courses and do well in them and apply for 2019 with confidence :). Nonetheless good luck this coming week and all the best!

Thank you! and congrats on your 4.0! @CTUR782

@daylightskies Don’t be bummed out if you don’t get in transferring after VT after a year of cc is totally realistic! this is a link to the course recommendations by major if you decide to take the cc route for a year (this is from 2017-2018 they will probably put one for 2018-2019 as well, although they shouldn’t be that different), search for your major and make sure to take those classes especially for math+science+English and take classes that satisfy both under tech’s transfer as well as what nova requires for an associates in case you don’t get in after a year so that you have a solid backup plan. Nvcc also has an annual transfer fair in the fall which vt does come out to so you can talk with a representative about your goals. Once again, nova is also a good option and is totally realistic if you do what your school requires and do well obviously, good luck and hope you get into vt!!!

@lordefarquadd thank youuuu