Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>I know the hokie bird is supposed to be neutral or whatever, but I can’t help but look at it as a positive thing. How else would so many people get it and then get accepted within 24 hours?!</p>

<p>I feel like I’ve already posted this, but for anyone who doesn’t want to go through 18 pages, these are my stats:</p>

<p>HS GPA: 3.01
SAT: 2000</p>

<p>I went to VCU for a year, but left after doing VERY poorly (1.97 when I left I believe; I would have been on academic probation had I returned for fall semester)</p>

<p>Instead I moved to NOVA, enrolled, and I’m graduating in May with 2 Associates and a 3.7 (by the end of the semester, 3.6 now). So happy to be accepted at the only two schools that rejected me out of high school - tech and jmu. one more to go!!</p>

<p>Hey paaquan I plan on going to Gmu and applying as a transfer as a computer engineering major but was wondering what my courses should be like. I looked at the sample course plan on Gmu website and the vt credit transfer guide but was confused by it all. What courses should I be taking for a smooth transition? Any guidance would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Hey Buklau so I’ll be glad to try to help…well what college are you at right now?
are you at tech going into gmu? or some other college going to gmu? once i know that then I can guide you in the right direction of where to look for equivalent courses</p>

<p>[Department</a> of Electrical and Computer Engineering - George Mason University](<a href=“Home | Electrical and Computer Engineering”>Home | Electrical and Computer Engineering) —there is the computer engr sample schedule for gmu</p>

<p>anyone down for making a facebook page for fall 2011 transfers? invite me (chris reighard) if anyone gets to it before i do!</p>

<p>congrats guys! :)</p>

<p>is anybody aware of someone who has been denied admission by checking their status page?</p>

<p>i got in this morning!</p>

<p>3.2 HS
3.7 college, econ major (but transferring as a geog major)
in-state, hs sends a lot of kids to VT every year. </p>

<p>i think i stood out bc of my internship experience.</p>

<p>I got offered admissions also. very happy but i need to chose between tech and GMU. Congrats to everyone and here are my stats. Trust me, they are not amazing but i think that the fact that i had an upwards trend in my grades is what they liked and also possibly because I am getting my associates.</p>

<p>HS GPA: 2.9
Only took AP Psych and
Associates in Science by Mid May</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>@belief,cutedanzr4 - congrats! did you have a hokiebird on your status page?</p>

<p>yea i got it monday night like at 11.</p>

<p>I havnt heard anything no emails, nothing changed on my status page and admission office wont tell me anything im getting so anxious i want to hear anything can someone please help me out</p>

<p>@ paaquan</p>

<p>I’m a hs senior that got waitlisted at tech and accepted to Gmu comp eng. I obviously haven’t gone to orientation yet so I have no idea about Gmu classes and what would set me on track with other kids if I transfer to tech for sophomore year. I am an ib diploma candidate 3.6w and 2070. What classes and what gpa would be enough to get me accepted as a transfer? Would the link you posted be good for transfering? On the tech freahman GE courses, i saw chem and was just confused how it all works and how i should approach orientation at gmu. I just don’t want to choose stupid classes and then get rejected haha. But I’m so happy for you man, and hopefully I can follow your path…</p>

<p>@truediger10, you can email them at <a href=“”></a> and ask if your application is being reviewed or a decision has been made. just make sure to include your application ID number in the email. what are your stats? major?</p>

<p>damn theres three weeks left in the semester and I still haven’t heard</p>

<p>yes, i had the hokie bird probably a week and a half ago.</p>

<p>i have a W on my transcript…but for good reason (family issues, death in family, had to leave dorm to become a commuter to drive family members)</p>

<p>should i mention it to them? i was granted acceptance (THANK GOD)
but should i really bring note to it? or leave it alone?</p>

<p>I got the hokie bird on my page friday and got accepted today!! :D</p>

<p>@belief sorry to hear about the family issues. I’m in the same boat. I’ve had a lot of family issues and I’ve had to move back home and make a ~2-3 hour commute everyday to get to class. It’s absolutly awful since my classes run Monday-Thursday from morning (10ish) til 10 PM. I’m really hoping I hear back from Tech since next year I do not want to make this awful commute again.</p>

<p>@GuinnessVT, congrats! whats are your stats? major?</p>

<p>BUKLAU good luck on transfering man! Be sure to study hard man, comp engr is no joke at gmu. Well I would say aim for at least a 3.5 gpa, which is very attainable, just stay on top of you classes… Study study study…and study for tests like at least one week in advance.</p>

<p>[Requirements</a> for BSCPE degree - Class of 2010](<a href=“]Requirements”></p>

<p><a href=“Login | Virginia Tech”>Login | Virginia Tech;

<p>ok the first link is the tech sample schedule for computer engr and the second link is the virginia tech transfer equivalence database </p>

<p>Ok so basically for both semester try your best to match up courses at GMU that will go under the tech sample schedule…And at gmu you do not need chem for comp engr, BUT YOU MUST take it anyways to stand out for transfering. </p>

<p>For your first semester i would recommend you to take pretty much the same schedule as tech’s cuz those classes match up pretty nicely… You will be down in Linear algebra tho, I don’t think u can take that without being in calc 2 at gmu (from what i remember when i spoke to someone here) … Ok well you will get into tech engr school if you follow their sample schedule, get at least a 3.5 gpa,and just study study study! and btw, for me at least, chemistry was very hard …soo you should probably start studying chemistry right this very minute so u can excel in it.</p>

<p>I really hope this helps…I wish I had someone to tell me all this last year rather than figuring out everything on my own. But fo real good luck! and if you are confused or anything please ask questions! i will answer and won’t get annoyed man, I know how your feeling right now</p>

<p>@spark10 thank you very much I had a horrible high school gpa it was 2.6 because of a lot of different reason that i though i explained pretty well in my essays. I am a second semester freshmen at shenandoah university and i had a 3.5 my first semester, should be better this semester. I applied as a business major, what do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>o should I just disregard the GMU sample schedule for computer engineering and focus on Tech’s layout?</p>

<p>1st Semester:
MATH 113: Analytic Geom & Calculus I (3)
CHEM 211: General Chemistry/General Chemistry for Engrs (4) (Which one? lol)
ENGL 101: Composition (3)
ENGR 107: Engr Fundamentals (2)
ENGR 183: Engr Computer Graphics (3)</p>

<p>Second Semester:
MATH 114: Analytic Geom & Calculus II (4)
PHYS 160: University Physics I (3)
PHYS 161: University Physics I Lab (1)
ENGL 102: Comp & Intro Lit II (3)
ECE 101: Intro to Info Technology (3)</p>

<p>The classes I omitted were Linear Algebra, Vector Geometry, and University Core Curriculum Area 6 (Creativity & Aesthetic Experience). I replaced ECE 1574 Engineering Problem Solving with C++ with ECE 101: Intro to Info Technology. I also moved Computer graphics to 1st semester like you did to create some balance…</p>

<p>Are the omissions a problem? And does the schedule look good both course wise, balance wise, and semester(s) wise? Which Chem should I take in semester 1? What made you take the other two classes and omit English in Semester 2?</p>

<p>And most importantly, if I were to fail in tranfering, would my schedule be screwed up for GMU? </p>

<p>Lol sorry about the wave of questions…you’re the effin man</p>