Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>Oh hey there Hokie Bird =)</p>

<p>I hope its good news.</p>

<p>yea i think if you are seeing a hokie bird and were not sent a letter the first round,you should be expecting something in the mail this week…</p>

<p>I just got the hokie bird!!!</p>

<p>congrats guys, its awesome to see everyone who started typing on this forum to finally get some headroom on their application</p>

<p>I’m in in-state app and still no hokie bird on my page =[</p>

<p>whats everyone thinking the hokiebird means? do you thinks it means we’re accepted? i kind of want to think that but i dont want to assume</p>

<p>I’m just excited to know that my application is finally being reviewed/processed/whatever and not just sitting there. At the very least, it’s a sign that the wait is almost over!</p>

<p>yeah goood luck everyone! I’m so happy i started this thread…hopefully it made ppl feel less stressed! I know for sure it helped me just talking to other transfers</p>

<p>It’s been very helpful, thanks!</p>

<p>does anyone know if transfer students live in a specific dorm or are they just mixed in with freshman and other student</p>

<p>i think they’re mixed. but they’re closing one of the bigger dorm buildings because it’s so old, so dorm space is limited for this upcoming year.</p>

<p>I dont know whether or not you guys could count on living in dorms…last year, they were not able to offer ANY transfer students dorms. They even asked for some of the returning VT students if it would be okay for them to not live on campus because there wasn’t enough space. So, it may be even worse this year cuz they’re closing a dorm that houses more students than the ones that were closed this year.</p>

<p>^ x2. Good luck on getting a dorm as a transfer. They told me on a transfer tour the 1000 accepted ~500 if that get on-campus housing. And since they have the construction going on I doubt any transfers are getting housing.</p>

<p>has anyone been denied who had the hokie bird?</p>

<p>i’m wondering the same. and has anyone gotten accepted without the hokie bird?</p>

<p>i would like to know the same thing</p>

<p>Just checked status page and I have been Accepted!</p>


<p>Accepted! :)</p>

<p>ACCEPTED!!! OMG I AM SOOO HAPPY lolol!! =)</p>

<p>Congratulations 10ctr10 and wantstobeahokie!! </p>

<p>to everyone else just keep being patient! The admissions office assured me that hearing back in the first waves does not indicate you are a stronger candidate…however I was still worried…but just hang in there!</p>