Virginia tech Transfer students

<p>Thought i'd start a thread for current college students who are trying to transfer to Virginia tech Fall 2011.</p>

<p>Anyone have any idea when we find out if we get in?
Has anyone heard back?</p>

<p>I applied for fall 2011 and have not yet heard back yet</p>

<p>same here, Im really really nervous that I wont get in</p>

<p>Hey could we share our stats?</p>

<p>I am at GMU and first semester got a 3.79
1st semester courses: Chem for ENGR, Calc 1, Intro to ENGR, ENGR Graphics,English 101
2nd semester courses: Major world regions, Micro Econ, Calc 2, Physics, intro to ECE</p>

<p>HS stats: 3.72 GPA with lots of activities and ap classes</p>

<p>and i am applying for the ENGR school</p>

<p>Applied as a psych major. </p>

HS GPA: UW: 3.7 W: 4.3
SAT: 1250, 1940: Math- 610 Reading-640 Writing-690
Good EC’s</p>

<p>College: Selective LAC
After 1 semester, 16 credits
GPA: 4.0
Pretty good EC’s and good essay. </p>

<p>I’m OOS, hopefully I get in!</p>

<p>yeah surfwakesnow you will def get in! it is a relief to see that someone with your stats has yet to hear back too. I am In state…i have never heard of LAC is it in LA?</p>

<p>do you have any idea when we hear back…</p>

<p>oh nice you will deff get in,
I am also a psych major but I am from a community college with 3.3 gpa and only a 2.2 in high school. So basically I wont get in</p>

<p>First thing. Admissions said the next round of transfer acceptances will be mailed out March 31 or April first, so make sure to check your status page.</p>

<p>My stats are:</p>

<p>Freshman at CNU.
College GPA = 3.68
HS GPA = 4.2
Applied for marketing.</p>

<p>I applied once they extended the deadline to March 4. An LAC is a liberal arts college. I go to St. Mary’s and its super small, which is the reason that I don’t like it.</p>

<p>wow thank you for the info…
does anyone know what gpa will get you into the engr school?</p>

<p>hey wantstobeahokie, did you get into Virginia Tech? is that how you know the next batch is released april 1?</p>

81 credits (by the end of the semester), 3.6 gpa (3.7 by the end of the semester)
Phi Theta Kappa - Officer
Psychology Club - Officer
Campus Council - Student Rep.
Student Ambassador
Founding member of SGA
Who’s Who Among Students Honoree
Worked at my job for almost 2 years</p>

<p>HS gpa - 3.0
SAT - 2000</p>

<p>Applied for history</p>

<p>anyone from a 4 year college/university got a hokie bird on the status page?
as of now, it seems as if CC students were the only ones with hokie birds + few acceptances…</p>

-currently a sophomore at a small liberal arts school (instate)
-college gpa: 3.4-5 ish
-hs gpa: 3.5 uw, 3.7 w
-good amount of extracurriculars/community service
-wrote all 3 optional essays (pretty decent i think/hope)
-applied for communications
-legacy (sister whose an alum)</p>


<p>Jyeva a 3.4-3.5 is great for a sophmore, shows that you can keep up good grades, i am pretty sure HS matters very lil but it is still to have decent hs stats.
I think you have a legitmate shot, what are you applying for? I am ENGR?</p>

<p>Could u give me my down to earth chances? stats are posted above</p>

<p>To Paaquan,</p>

<p>No, I have not been accepted. I called Tech to know when the next notifications come out.</p>

<p>iight ty!
be sure to post on here if u got in! and i will too…
did you ask admissions your chances of getting in?</p>

<p>paaquan, down to earth chances…i think you shouldn’t stress too much because stat wise you’re definitely in!</p>

<p>2 of my friends from high school with not that strong gpa (3.0-3.4 ish; waitlisted/rejected to tech as a senior) both got accepted last year after finishing one semester at vcu.
its definitely a possibility for you because tech doesnt seem too picky about transferring as a sophomore and you have really strong hs stats!
good luck! :)</p>

<p>ty! appreciate it…can i ask what your friends college gpa’s were?</p>

<p>i’m actually not sure, but i doubt it was a 4.0 haha
Most likely above a 3.5 though</p>